Good morning絵文字
It's Maimi絵文字

Today March 6th
is Berryz Kobo's
Tsugunaga Momoko-chan's

Momo is also (Japanese: Momomo) (←lots of mo's, no? (lol)) 19 years old絵文字

Same age絵文字絵文字

To me
Momo is a person I really respect in many ways絵文字絵文字

That cute character, on the contrary

carries the core of her
Without paying attention to the flow of everyone around her, she walks the path she believes in herself絵文字

She gives the impression that things she says "I'll do it once絵文字" about, she'll thoroughly attempt until the end絵文字

Also since she manages to let both college and work coexist in her life絵文字絵文字

I can't stop with the praise (lol) 絵文字絵文字絵文字

When in high school,
in relation to our futures
things like "I want to become more like that絵文字", and "I want to become more like this絵文字"

and "I want to do my best here"…
we had many talks like that

Since recently we can only really take the time to talk at Hello! Project concerts絵文字

I want to go eat together soon絵文字

Momo's advice is also great 絵文字絵文字絵文字

I want us both to without regrets 絵文字 ENJOY our last teen year 絵文字絵文字

Those pictures from today
Are a Tsugunaga Momoko special collection絵文字絵文字

(絵文字1) It seems like Momo loves macaroons絵文字

(絵文字2) 2 shot ①絵文字絵文字

(絵文字3) 2 shot ②絵文字絵文字

  • ℃-ute 公式ブログ/もも's BIRTHDAY  画像1
  • ℃-ute 公式ブログ/もも's BIRTHDAY  画像2
  • ℃-ute 公式ブログ/もも's BIRTHDAY  画像3