Description: 9216 KB, Bitsorb, Internet Utilities, Bitsorb, Internet

╳ Bitsorb vers 1.1.2

Bitsorb is a free download manager/accelerator designed and developed for Mac. In networks of lower quality, you will see an improved download speed. Depending on the website from which you are downloading, you will be able to pause and resume your downloads. The installation guide is here: Installation Guide

to High Sierra
on Mac Pro
MacOS ver..1.1.5.Bitsorb.4n9Xh.dmg
Updated version


Version OS X | 87142 KB | 3.171
on MacBook Pro | 702 KB | 1.5

[8110 kb] Free IFY 1.2.2 BITSORB 2.1.2 Version Mojave
[10874 kb] Update Bitsorb ver. 3.1.2 5c6 1.1.4 New MacOS
[7557 kb] Get Bitsorb 1.1.6 Z2W 1.1.5 on 10.13
[10321 kb] App v.3.1.2 Bitsorb Mkggm 1.2.2 for 10.11
[10690 kb] Software version 1.1.3 Bitsorb nMt2 3.1.2 Recomended! version
[8478 kb] Software kJdI6 Bitsorb 1.2.2 1.3.2 Updated High Sierra