





●04-1-4-J. Original text in Japanese



●04-1-4-E. Original text in English

Although efforts to establish general laws for administration are under way, in the field of administrative law where comprehensive general laws do not exist, the role played by judicial precedents is especially large.


○04-1-4-G. Translation by Google Translation

Although the development of general rules for administrative law is progressing, judicial precedents play a particularly important role in the field of administrative law, where there is no general rules for general administrative law.


○04-1-4-D. Translation by DeepL

Even though the General Administrative Provisions Act is being developed, precedents play a particularly important role in the field of administrative law, where there is no general rule of law for administrative law as a whole.


○04-1-4-T. Translation by @TexTra

Although the development of a law on general administrative rules is progressing, judicial precedents play a particularly important role in the field of administrative laws, where there is no law on general administrative rules.


○04-1-4-M. Translation by Microsoft Translator

Although the development of the Act on General Administrative Rules is progressing, judicial precedents play a particularly important role in the field of administrative law, where there is no general rule law for the entire discussion of administrative law.

