Atlantica Online - Southwest Asian Town ~ Villag | 隠れ家


とか 思っています

2014/09/28 に公開

Before we begin, I would like to thank the Lord Jesus Christ for my life, and all the gifts which I've been given in it, including the ability to make this extension. Your name be glorified, my Savior, even in something as small as this. Amen.

MP3 Link:
Atlantica Online Extensions Folder:

Greetings, viewer, and welcome to Amateur Extension Theater 2000 -- where awesome music and pretty pictures go hand in hand, even if they aren't always quite on target. I'm your mixed up host with a love for tunes just like the one you hear right now, Alkahest.

Atlantica Online -- it's an MMO, has something or other to do with Atlantis, blah-blah-blah, whatever! I came across some of its battle tracks on Youtube one fine afternoon, went 'Ooooo! Nice!' and immediately downloaded the game, located the music folder, moved said folder to another part of my computer, then immediately uninstalled Atlantica Online, all without even making an account.

Oh, don't look at me like that! I -can't- be the only person who's ever done that, right? ... Right? *rubs the back of his head uncertainly* Anyway... Here, we have 'Southwest Asia Town', identified in the game folder as 'MUSIC_VILLAGE_EAST_01'. Never having played the game, with only the file name to go by, I thought it played somewhere in East/Southeast Asia, found pretty pictures that I thought matched the spirit, and bam! Video made, uploaded, started writing out the description, and oh hey found out it actually plays in SouthWEST Asian towns. Y'know, Baghdad. Cairo. -That- part of Asia. Whoopsy.

Ahh, but who cares! Pretty pretty pictures, with pretty pretty music. That's all we really care about, aye? And man, is this music ever beautiful. This is easily one of the best game tracks I've heard in my life; we're talking up there with Nobuo Uematsu, Yoko Shimomura, Yutaka Minobe and Tatsuyuki Maeda... to name but a few! Wish I knew who composed it. It's a theme of wonder and mystery; it stirs imagination and beckons you to venture out into the unknown, to a new world of wonder... ha, that's how I feel when I listen to it, anyway. What about you?

Well, that's it for AET2k this time around! I hope you've enjoyed; see you again soon, with still more fight- er, still more extended music. Take very good care, and may God bless!

Disclaimer: This MP3 extension was uploaded purely for entertainment purposes, and in no way profits me. All rights are reserved to their respective creators, and videos are subject to removal per their request.

Wait a minute, Cairo isn't part of Asia at all! *shakes fist* ATLANTICA ONLINE.....!!!


標準の YouTube ライセンス