☆In English☆ | ~No Pool No Life~

~No Pool No Life~




Today,I try to write diary in English!!!!
You may not understand my English,because I have a little vocabulary...

Go ahead!!

I went to SUN Billiards last night.I had played 9 balls with their regular customer for about 3 hours.

We played rase to 6 of 4 rounds.I won the all rounds!!!My playing was well all the time, so I was fun yesterday!!!!!('▽'*)

then I came home and called my friend, Because my cellphone was ringing while I was playing. But I couldn't talk.I said I'll call you back after.

I carelessly talk with her for a long long time!!!f^_^;However I had a very very good time!!!(((o≧▽≦)o

Oops...I'm tired...It is a little hard for me to write diary in English...
I really have to study English more...(>_<)

OK...I get sleepy...See ya everybody~☆BYE☆