race against time with God | iergnmsergのブログ



Chu Yun-liter breath ran a dozen years, back against the cold stone, hand fist tightly, Gangbeng cracking sound, everlasting hatred burst forth from the chamber. He hates,Oakley Hijinx clearance , hates five league Forcing loved him hate, hate tiger cubs in sight but not to recognize his hate, hate this troubled world bully him too much but he really can not recognize, once made known to the tiger Tsai past performance, especially after the bombing of that grave, even if it is dead and will not be willing to leave him, and now followed him, like a follow poured troubles, do not know when it will be a catastrophe, he was afraid, afraid of tiger cubs also will die a sudden death in his eyes. He not afford to lose, no longer afford to lose a must win, winning five league, winning insects, win the whole troubled world can escape the tiger, will race on the ice, or the mouth of a small tiger necklace why then they fall into the hand? And one of the ice tribe was also vaguely threatened him and asked him if he wanted to know the whereabouts of the tiger, it is stated that the ice has been monitoring the family little tiger. But no matter the angle of a family standing there, "and even the angle of the whole human race, but his little tiger Chuyun l adopted a" pet "of their weight in their eyes is far worse than his aunt a natural, human and pet will mainly dead, but the owner and several people died for a pet? If hijacked it as a threat, just as the sun and the requirements of the times hijacked a pet owner surrender generally satisfied ridiculous life he knows only Chuyun up between he and Little Tiger share feelings once in life and death "a few that he be born again, but he had never revealed to anyone, even an aunt or even Ding Yan them, he never mentioned, because that part of the road to flee the city of Nanking and even despair gray very memory of his subconscious reluctant to touch the haze. Only suspicious ice race, never seem to be able to leave this trick no need for FLAC, Li River has himself said that only a small tiger still believe he was alive, but little tiger staunch nature, I'm afraid that will not be for them are dead sleepy "Otherwise it will not break the city of Nanking and death and instead monitor the words" on their high technological capabilities, it is the longer a simple thing, however. Day in the Shudu, Chuyun l would to cover up the feelings of his little tiger, cut off another ice makes the temptation, he killed a tiger is the king of beasts is not a VIP their dog because, as long as he was showing a trace of little importance to small tiger to ice Terran Science communication capabilities, can not wait for him Shatui siege "Little Tiger's life will really be family as a threat to his ice chips and he pretended indifference," he is to Tell the ice tribe told five league and even tell the whole world, but he had little tiger or raise a pet "is only one pet only, compared with loved ones vendetta" than even the residue, he simply will not take this childish threats in four yuan days before, he can in this callous manner, "silently protecting the safety of a small tiger. Now, he can not lead it to recognize" the monitoring group to mention perhaps the ice around , or in a small tiger's body, "in what way they will be a threat to the life of a small tiger, Chu Yun-l do not know, but it must be, otherwise it is not a single family that much ice can destroy the city tribe cannon, five sudden death of millions of people instantly horrors, still vivid, if not deep desperate to life guard "can not live from his own blue heart of the explosion to escape" the second wave of the various forces in the siege might say come and critical moment, deep and even disobey his orders, only one person to protect him "and Little Tiger is now strong again, it is impossible from the kind of Armageddon sudden death of their loved ones survived the attack, so Chuyun skies split up as Gimli , tentacles far "if they are still alive, he might be combined with the city of Nanking alien insects fight to the death" in order to protect what he considers worthy guardian, or he would take them, little tiger and brothers spared much of the "hiding This is a remote corner of the world, unknown, however, "They died, destroyed his last sustenance, are involved in which even the city of Nanking, betrayal of torture, that he almost did not dare to believe that any one person, he did not ally, no comrades, only one chamber flesh, an armor, "a two-edged sword, sorrowful and lonely To five league to the heavens, and recovers a fair this road will be full of blood and death brake, a little careless, is destroyed, "he could not let a small tiger followed him to die in vain, in the hearts of Chu Yun-liter, it has never been a pet" four yuan day I scored your headquarters, I will be suffering today, hundredfold reimbursed to you "black day staring coldly Chuyun l, Shoulian all black air into the body, physique of a move, like an arrow, leaving the cold touch of black earth space blur" toward that distant East. Shiji Li In addition, faint waves came up from the dismal Tigers Chuyun not a greedy man, his stuff is his, not his not his "Even if I want to make him bow release one hundred lost one o'clock, but not Lost forever but he was riddled with anomalies stabbed tough Conscience, as a "big mountain tree" stuck, which may be set in a small tiger dangerous place thing, he would never do it. What's more, he remembered in Shanghai is on the edge, it was also a towering giant trees such "gourd cut town of this strain, perhaps greater help for small tiger. Vast expanse of wasteland wild street, a passage Xipo Empty figure, in the darkness, shining dies, a seat abandoned houses rapidly disappeared behind it, a vehicle car intervals frozen snow far to leave it superficially like foot shadow, snowing fog just stir flying, it will disappear in the vast shabu darkness. Chuyun l infinitely raises its speed, the modified IX Figure seal agility to maximize the extreme, suddenly reached out with an empty realm, superb, Even compared to the era of high-speed rail sun nor succeed more so to play his first practice started, it always had a primitive and simple truth: the simple moves reaches the limit, but now the trick is to put it another way, in essence, is still the same : The simple power law reaches extreme "is the nirvana IX Figure seal the case, the first sword style sword style is also true, broken spines, since he felt did not exercise to the point where the elite, but it's really powerful, natural it can not be brought into full play, "Otherwise, he absolutely believe that just one type Unitech level sword style can certainly spot the killing of a defenseless early without extraordinary complex alien, such as sine cover in the absence of the practice to break the thorn superb proportions, Chuyun l do not intend to rely on second-style sword, a sword to the second type requires three yuan day to open the middle of the realm, he once with offerings diverge, the strength will be straight down to the days of entering the realm of three yuan really have to rely on is the first sword style: two years he now reckon his first sword style level is higher than most entry-level high a level of ordinary skill level, not to mention the fine skills level, skills level and nirvana level .. However, with the emergence true Jian Qi "He has felt faint" Just a little further skilled, and then thoroughly comprehend a little "will soon be able to break through to the level of precision technology level is called biting off more than can chew, but also There Xiao Yun arrows, Chuyun l feel with their qualifications and ability, first comprehend these combat skills to the limit "has been a huge project and he needed to get nothing but time, race against time with God, for which he even gallop hurry the time to live, not only made up a three yuan genius seal can seal system Ju Yuan Fu "it self-absorbed world of strength, vitality supplement the body constantly consumed, and, while in speeding in tune learn interest respiration and vitality operation, although the body fit state can not practice, but to guide some of the world of strength as the body is still able to do. Therefore, "all the way though Chuyun liters swept into the high-speed, strength but because of constantly replenished," the rate of decline is not too much, until he is much in the dark, using night vision offerings "see the highway" River 5 mile "sign when" there are half body strength body〗 〖smoothly within the cycle in turn. At the moment, "the sky has not yet appeared shimmer" or perhaps in the early morning hours, Chu Yun-l did not watch, knowing no track time, "but in most of the night, from the nearby mountain fog, running all the way to the River City," the phrase should be saying: DPRK Bai Di Choi resigned normalized, Trinidad Jiangling day actually, "if it is because of geographical knowledge Chuyun l really scarce, many of the wrong way, plus lots of litter along the way in order to avoid liquid zone, spore forest as well as some inexplicable monster community "might be able to arrive a little earlier River nearby. And the "non only that, this way,Oakley Sports Clearance ," because he travels too fast, so some bugs monsters are too late they appear sensitive to the volatility, they collide directly together, after killing longitudinal waves Jian Qi, Chu Yun l almost Sword their hands, and their carcasses away rapidly, until the River City,Oakley Sunglasses Juliet Cheap , the property is satisfied in operator's body, he re-training a sufficient armor but he is not prepared to enter the River of human activity, stop here, one for the rest "two to determine the location, the destination is still owned Shanghai is to the sea in an abandoned River five kilometers outside the town where the inhabitants of a seven-storey, fully floor Chuyun l Search households others, did not find the slightest useful things, I'm afraid this has long been raiding other surviving humans do not know how many times, all doors are open, the family did not even pieces of waste cloth, furniture estimates have been hacking up as firewood fire, the house empty, only a few TV sets and computer what "used to be very valuable." Now it seems not even a piece of wood can not match appliances, alone scattered in every corner of the room the only harvest, that is, several glass sub- , or excluded it.'s, covered with the dust "Chuyun l picked up compared to the most intact one, on the roof" with a dry snow melt water wash clean "and then a cup of melted snow on the gourd cut town brings rough food, aroma aroma sitting floor border, opened offerings A mask, looking at the empty, lifeless like a ghost town of the town, chew and swallow. Emergency line so far, physically significant consumption, so he once again clearly felt physical exertion caused by hunger behind, very faint trace of the hidden source of life fluctuations, such fluctuations under normal circumstances the body is simply not found , but in fit condition, he and the source of life blend together offerings and mutual involves a singular flow arising under it is extremely slight fleeting glimpse revealed a trace of it if not careful Chuyun l left to mind, Special attention is also not notice. But feel normalization feel and not be able to understand so much, just a little corner of a huge iceberg only. He had a slightest Ming Wu "control the source of life, may be the real practice, however, Si Ming Wu did not last long, he was far from excited〗 〖shot came a figure ice a fire interrupted by two "when it is followed by the sound of fierce fighting," and bursts of human cries. Chuyun l look slightly coagulation, put away food and cups, flash shadows, hidden into the third layer of a small building by others windows in the living room, a good convergence of all black air, and try to cover up all the strength Rokko symbol breath fluctuations. Na Liangdao one white and one red figure fast, fire element attack and counterattack endless ice yuan, churned around the world of strength of a swing Dang ripples. Chuyun l silently watching their every move, according to his family two times against Addict Experience "about the strength of the two sides will soon be judged twelve" fire family owns at least one party's strength in the complex "and family party ice extent is only the beginning of recovery, but relying on a sharp weapon, they are not immediately decline. The strange thing is coming out with their human awakening "all of them at least a level above the black King Wu, perhaps it can not be called black King Wu, this naming system is still many years ago the city of Nanking, now true black King Wu might well not this the level of their circumference not attack "like special family fled to contain ice as firmly dragged her family's pursuit of the fire within. Suddenly, I do not know is that the sharp impatient family fight "suddenly launched a stealth stealth skills, again and again on the ice tribe launched terrorist attack killed Chuyun l mind a move, thousands of monarch quietly sword scabbard, his black gas too special , as long as there is a ray leaked out, neither of them, once winning information warfare "will be able to feel, rather than wait for them to find, as they are most negligent when riding, take initiative to attack, kill first appeared to be stronger in the winning Complex fire nation. In addition, through a variety of burst encounter along the way, in order not to waste time, Chu Yun-l is now also want a cape