Hello everyone!

I hope you have all been well and that this week has treated you well! It's been starting to get colder so I hope you're all staying warm and healthy~


Recently, I've gotten a bit more time to myself so I haven't really been up to much other than the usual every day things. With the extra down time I've gotten, I've been trying to do things that I've been wanting to do for a while and relaxing with it. It's been nice to not be on as much of a time crunch with so much. 


One thing I've been doing is making my little crafts :)

I've made little resin charms, paper flowers, played around with some beading and just doing little art projects that I've been somewhat putting off! I haven't taken many pictures but iIdo have this one! I'll be sure to try and take some more so I can show everyone






Another thing I've tried is doing a little more cooking. When I was in the UAE, there was an Italian restaurant that served this tomato dish called Bruschetta. My family and I loved it so I recreated it in the UAE and I still make it to this day when we have a whole lot of tomatoes! It's really good and tastes nice and fresh! 




I also recently tried making kjötsúpa, an Icelandic meat soup! The meat used is lamb and it was really difficult to find here but I'm glad I was able to. I kept seeing it pop up in videos and websites as a thing you must try if you go to Iceland and I got curious as to what it tastes like so I tried to make it myself! It turned out really tasty but I can't say for certain if it tastes authentic hehe~ 

I've been craving it a little recently and maybe I might try to make it again soon 👀






I still wanna try and read a little more as I have a few untouched books I've been wanting to read for a while and a few unfinished puzzles that I might be able to complete now that I have a little more free time.

I'll still be doing what I do tho 😎



It's been around a month since I've seen everyone and I'm really looking forward to seeing you again on the 11th!! 😄

But also!! I was invited to be a guest on "Izumo's Room" on Sea Wave FM Iwaki!!! Look out for the segment on the 11th of November (around 10:30~)!



And with that, I think I shall bid everyone a good morning, good day, good evening and gooooooood night! 

See you all soon! :D


Good niiiiiiight 🌌


-Mei 💚