
I hope everyone is doing alright and you've all had a good day today! 


What a wonderful couple of weeks it has been!


We went to the Yokohama Coast Garage+ to perform at an Idol Party event and I still can't believe we won MVP! 🥹

It was such an amazing stage and I thank everyone who cheered us on 😊💚




After our stage, we roamed around the China town in Yokohama and wowee! It was really busy but beautiful! We had a lot of fun eating so many delicious foods and walking around the streets :)

Then last week, we went to over to Mito for another CD release event at Tower Records followed by performing at the Hakodol Paradise event at Club Sonic Mito!
It was so lovely seeing so many people attending and I hope everyone enjoyed our stages!

It's gotten quite late again and I am tired 🥱
Thank you for reading my blog! I hope to see you all again soon!
I hope you sleep well~
Good niiiiiight!
- Mei 💚