Hello again! It's been a while!

I hope you've all been well! Oh! And Happy Halloween!

Because I get to write my blog on Halloween, I'll tell you all about how I used to celebrate as a child!


When I was in the UAE, I lived in a small walled off community and many of my friends lived in the same area too! 

So, Halloween, my friends and I would all dress up. The costumes I remember the most are Belle from Beauty and the Beast, Katniss Everdeen from The Hunger Games and well.. I didn't have an idea for a character so I just put face paint of my face and looked like someone who got into an accident 😅

Parents would put a costume on too and usually sit by the door with candy and sometimes a little "game" for us. One of my friend's mum boiled spaghetti in black food colouring and we had to plunge our hand into the spaghetti mess to fish out a candy, if I remember correctly. 


So yeah, my friends and I would gather and we'd go around to each house, knock on the door or ring the doorbell, say "Trick or treat!" And usually get candy (some parents would sometimes joke around and give us a trick instead, but we'd get the treat after haha). At the end of the night, my friends and I would gather again if we got split up and play games or watch movies while eating our Halloween candy together, trading treats if we got something we didn't like but our friend liked. Parents would gather together too and just hang out and talk. 

We did this pretty much every year I was in the UAE. 

It's a fond memory I look back on and miss it every so often. 


So there it is. That is how I used to celebrate Halloween as a kid. I hope you all enjoyed reading about a part of my childhood! 


And with that, I bid you farewell! Until next time!

I wish you a good night and don't let the vampire bite haha!


Good niiiight!

Mei 💚