Hallooooo! It's pretty much the end of the year now isn't it? I keep saying it but it's funny how fast time goes by, isn't it? 
For my last blog of the year, I'll make this short and sweet :)
We went to Utsunomiya and then over to Mito for a couple performances.
While we were at Utsunomiya, we were able to have a delicious gyoza feast. I don't think I've had so many choices of gyoza in front of me 😂
Then we had our 2 lives! At Utsunomiya...
... And Mito!
Rittchan's birthday celebration and Christmas special!! What a cold day that was huh? 😂 
I hope no one got sick and everyone was able to warm up nicely after that.
What a weird yet nice year it was. Good things, bad things and amazing experiences! I hope everyone has a lovely New Years and the next year treats you all well! 
Here to yet another year! Let it bring many good things!
Good night!
Mei 💚