It's blog time againnn~! Woo!

What a storm were having right now, huh?


Anyways, how fun was yesterday?! A bit sad that it had to be a live stream with no live audience but it was still plenty of fun! I hope everyone watching at home also had fun watching! It felt nice singing and dancing with everyone on stage again :)


I would like to take a moment and just really express myself and how thankful I am for this whole experience. 

When I was at some of my lowest points in life, one of the only things that always helped me pick myself up again and keep going was music. Listening to music, watching these idols perform on stage, learning the choreographies... it was just something that made me forget the bad things for a while and made me happy. Since then, I realised that my want in life is to help spread happiness and hope to others, maybe be an escape, a safe place, for some, through my own passions.


So I'm very thankful that I have been given an opportunity where I am able to do that. And I'm so grateful for everyone who has been cheering on icle girls, whether you have been around since the beginning or have joined the family somewhere along the way. 


I'm grateful for the other members for always helping me out when I don't understand something or just need a little assistance and for treating me well.

A big thank you for the staff who help make icle happen, from creating songs to setting stages up for us!

And a huge thank you to the fans! We would not be where we are without you guys cheering us on! 


It's been 8 years since icle first debuted and many members come and gone. Despite the changing of members, we will always be icle girls!



This blog is also on the shorter side. I hope you don't mind :)
I hope you all have a lovely life!
Much love,
Mei 💚