Hiya everyone! It's been a while, hasn't it? Haha

Hope you've all been well! I've been struggling with knowing what to write and I still don't really know so sorry about that! Today's blog is probably going to be on the shorter side today so I hope that's okay. No photos either.


What are some things you guys like to do when you have free time? What helps you all to relax?


I definitely like to just take my time and just chill. I usually try to sleep as much as I can especially when I haven't been getting enough recently. When I'm not sleeping, I'm probably eating or watching something funny/entertaining. Maybe both haha! I've been checking a few movies off of my watch list and continuing/finishing off some series which has been fun. 


Sometimes, I read because reading allows me to go into a different world and feel like I'm living in the book. I love a good book that really emerges me in the books reality. It's always such a bittersweet feeling of ending a series you've been emerged in. 


Music is another thing that helps me relax or get rid of built up stress. Either dancing along and just physically moving along, not caring what I look like or just listening along when my heart feels a bit heavy and I want to feel understood. Music has such beautiful powers. It can help me explain how I feel when I don't know how to explain them myself.


So those are some things that help me relax and feel better. Hope to hear from you in the comments!

And hope you all are doing okay!


Till next time, my friends!

Good night!


Mei :)