Hello my guys, gals and non-binary pals! 

Happy New Year! 
It's a new year and that means we're gonna have another year full of new experiences and opportunities!
What I thought I would do in today's blog is to reflect a little on how 2020 was worldwide. I won't go into too much detail and I'll keep it as brief as I can. This blog will be all words so this is just a warning. 
Because 2020 had so much happen, I'm going to take the time to reflect over the next few blogs that I post. I hope that is okay with everyone! I'm going to cover January to March in this blog. 
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2020 was definitely not the best year and I'm sure that applies to most people. For some (maybe even most), 2020 was probably the worst year but for me, it wasn't necessarily the worst but most definitely was it one of the worst ones I've had.
The first week or two started out alright but then after that, it seemed like all hell broke lose on the world. There was so much going on last year I don't even know if I remember everything that happened so I've taken my time and I've looked into each month to make sure the information is as correct as I can get it. 
Australia was on fire for sometime due to wild bushfires and that devastated a bunch of wildlife and land, there was a threat of World War III looming over the world and cases of COVID-19 were just starting to come out over in China. Kobe Bryant, a well known bakestball player from the Los Angeles Lakers, and his daughter, Gianna Bryant, passed away in a helicopter crash. I hope they're resting peacefully now. Prince Harry and Meghan Markle decided to take a step back from the Royal family and the UK left the EU. 
There was a locust swarm happening over on East Africa which caused a state of emergency over there, the Diamond Princess (with 3700 passengers aboard) was quarantined in Yokohama Port, the wild bushfires were put out by the heaviest rainfall Australia have experienced in 30 years and by the end of it, 46 million acres of land were burnt, over 1 billion animals killed as well as 34 people passing away. There have been a few new achievements in space by a few different people which is a bit of good news amidst all this tragedy. But then South Korea lockdown, Italy sees a huge spike in COVID cases, the Middle East had COVID-19 scares and Ahmaud Aubery, an African American was shot and killed by 2 white men, may he rest in peace. 
President of Russia proposes the ban of gay marriage, heavy rainfall and landslides affect areas in Brazil and the bushfires in Australia confirmed that human-caused climate change made the bushfire season a lot worse and remaining smoke proceeds to take more lives. Italy, France, the UK, Russia and a few more countries go into lockdown and COVID-19 was officially declared a pandemic. The US bans travel to some European countries, a bunch of sports were put on hold, the US-Canada border was closed, India initiates a daytime curfew, the Tokyo 2020 Olympics and Paralympics were postponed to 2021, ass due to COVID-19. We also lost Breonna Taylor and Daniel Prude, two African Americans who were killed by police brutality.
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There's so much that's happened and this is only the first 3 months of 2020. Hope I see you again in my next blog! Thanks for joining me and looking at these starting months.
I'm not going to include a playlist today because I feel like a lot of what's happened is devastating and I'd like to honour those lost last year in this post. I hope you understand.
Thank you.