Hi there 👋

I’m sorry I forgot to take a picture during the day.


I and employees are working in big greenhouse this morning.

They were hanging trees with vinyl and clips until noon. They could to finish all areas at there.

At that time, I was fixing floor with soil and small stone.

Unfortunately, I forgot to take it too…


In fact, the temperature was crazy inside the greenhouse so my brain was melting 😝 

This afternoon, my farm advisor got there to make application forms she asked somethings to fill them out. Un… I said “ I have energy but, I don’t wanna anything.” to her. 😅

Yhaaa… Exactly! I’m just riding on time and I’m just doing schedules well! Just it!!!

However, I’m working honestly even I feel it 😮‍💨

I remember this!

I took another magnet switches by sell phone when I was learning an electronic demonstration while I was fixing a magnet switch with an electrician.

I ordered this type of magnet switch.

These are different type of things.

I wrote down the type’s number then I already ordered to him. ☝️

I guess he will get here again on Saturday or Sunday… 🤔

I have to think how to hook them up again…


Can I do it well? I’m asking it by myself 😑


