-And her obsession…Hum..This girl is not going to be a normal person when she grows. I hope she does not put me to shame… -And if I am so crazy, uncle, would you mind if I go away and live far from here? Terri seemed to hit a bump, threw the paper far away, looked at her menacingly and with a firm tone said: -WHAT…? WHAT DO YOU WANT TO SAY?! The poor thing, Vinka grew pale, but found a way to alleviate that, and used it in her favor -Because in this house I am seen to be crazy…that I bring shame to you…I better go away for good..she said, as if about to cry. This moved Goro, came on his feet, went closer to her and started patting her head. Excuse me, Vinkita, you are right, I have been a little hard with you..I will be more careful so that it never crosses your mind to abandon this house.. -Curse, it came out for the worse! - I cried annoyingly. -It is not going to be easy- said Krato stroking his beard. -Do not lose spirit boys - Ami encouraged us. Vinka looked up, knowing that we were watching her, and put a face as if asking “Now what do I do? which made up laugh, despite the nervousness. Then she came up with another strategy and said: Page 81 of 277 -Although I believe in extrakiana life?… “Good Vinka”, I thought. Goro tried to bring her back to logic in a nice way. -Daughter…let us go..this obsession of yours for this subject.. She stood up on her feet and challenged saying: -I HAVE SEEN SHIPS! -This is hallucination, dreams meteorological phenomena, daughter. -AH, YES? WE ARE GOING TO SEE IF THE SHIP WHICH IS GOING TO APPEAR HERE IN THIS MOMENT IS A HALLUCINATION, LET US GO, LET US GO TO THE PATIO AND SEE FOR YOURSELF IF THAT IS A HALLUCINATION! - she exclaimed, coming out Ami pulled his hair. -You are doing it wrong, all wrong, not this way! …The fault is mine. -Did you see? I was not careful enough to give her instructions. -What a disaster… -It is perfect, Ami, now we will make the ship visible and ready - I said -What? If we do so, Goro is going to die of madness, and I cannot permit it. Page 82 of 277 -Also, I cannot make the ship visible whenever I want to. This needs authorization. And if the things go bad, I wont be given. Vinka had to go slowly and in a private form, I had told her.. As I know my soulmate, I explained: -I make a proposal, Ami, leave your impatience. -Yes! I am such an idiot, and what a rebel is Vinka…But the blame is mine. I must remember that I am in front of people with little self control..Let us listen Goro looked with great concern at Clorka and said : -Our niece is very ill. We need to take her to a psychiatrist. This is an attack of madness.. -COME, COME TO THE PATIO TO SEE FOR YOURSELF! I HAVE CONTACT WITH BEING OF SPACE, AND IF I WANT, WILL APPEAR A SHIP. COME TO SEE IF I AM CRAZY OR NOT, COME! -Poor thing..sniff - said Clorka on hearing that, takign a tissue to wipe her eyes and nose. The truth is that yes, my poor beloved did seem crazy. It pained me to see her this way and I also felt guilty remebering that she is doing this for our Love. Her aunt and uncle were very sure that she has gone crazy and it never passed their mind to go out to the patio for a glimpse. -COME, SEE, AMI, APPEAR ONCE, SHOW THEM YOUR SPACESHIP, SHOW TO THESE DISBELIEVERS! -she said looking up without seeing us. Page 83 of 277 -Ami took a microphone that I knew before, one that was capable of sending out sound to only a specific point. -“Vinka” - he said. His voice reached her ears. -WHAT? AMI IS INVISIBLE AND IS TALKING INTO MY EAR..COME.. -Poor thing..sniff.. -What a shame, what embarrassment. You taught her badly, Clorka, she has gone astray - said the terri. -It is not my fault, Goro. My sister died in a bombardment when I was very little, and was left to take care of her, in the midst of war and no one taught me how to raise children… -Calm down, Vinka, calm down- Ami said to her. -WHERE ARE YOU, AMI? -Speak low, Vinka. Can you calm down? I am talking from the ship on a directional microphone. Goro should not see the ship yet. -Oh, it is true, only my aunt..TIA CLORKA, COME IMMEDIATELY! -Oh, no - exclaimed Ami - I asked you to speak to her first, so to prepare her. I cannot produce a sighting so suddenly for her. -I am going to see what is happening ..poor child..Those books! - said Clorka. -Yes, those books…Bring her in and meanwhile I will call a psychiatrist friend. He tries to keep it silent so that the neighbors do not know Page 84 of 277 anything about what was happening. Clorka went out to the courtyard and embraced Vinka, who was looking up - -Now Ami, make the ship visible, to our advantage - I asked. He took the controls and said: -I need to first consult it. It needs to be calculated if Clorka can stand the vision or not, wait. In another screen appeared very big head of aunt, later her inside of it. We saw many sparkles as of energy of many colors, but Ami did not look at that screen, but at another, in which some strange signs were appearing. A beep was heard. -Magnificent. It is within limit, but she will tolerate it without suffering any damage. We have authorization. -Good, now let us give her a “close contact”, poor aunt Clorka. -The ship was visible now, at a very low altitude. We started to make circles around the two of them. -LOOK, AUNT, THERE! Vinka was happy. The aunt did not pay attention, but soon a dazzling light illuminated the courtyard and she had to look up, to stay with a fixed sight and open mouth… -Enough- said Ami, and we came back to invisibility. Clorka was given a sighting of about 15 seconds. -No need to attract more attention than necessary - he explained Page 85 of 277 -Did you see, aunt? That was the ship of my friend. Goro had observed the great flash of light coming from outside while he was calling on telephone and came out on the patio. Found his wife with her mouth and eyes wide open, still looking up. He also was the same way, but could see nothing but the sky. I was happy although aunt Clorka was about to faint. Goro shook her and brought both of them inside. He seemed very worried. -What happened to you, Clorka, what did you see? he asked her, helping her to sit down in an armchair. -She saw my friend’s ship, of course. -It is..It is..true…there was ..a space ship..It is true, Vinka is not mad. I saw it, saw it, Goro..I SAW IT! -Hallucinations..Clorka..But I also saw a great light outside…What was that? However, I saw nothing in the sky… -No, uncle, you cannot yet see it because you are not yet prepared, that’s why, my friend made it invisible when you arrived. It was to protect you, so you do not go crazy or die of the impression. Goro had to sit down as well. He closed his eyes, put his hands on his temples and started to think. -Space ships..invisible..This seems like a joke..It must have a logical explanation. Are you sure you saw it Clorka? -Yes Goro, and it was not a hallucination. irrational topics: Page 86 of 277 -May be it was an meteorite, a shooting star.. -Of silver metal? - said Clorka. -Then it could have been a plane. -Round? -Then may be a planet, a star.. -Circling above the house, with colorful lights and with a symbol below? … -A symbol? What was the symbol? -Like what you see in my books, uncle Goro, the winged heart. Everything is true, I really went to other worlds in Ami’s ship. Krato, Ami and I were happy to hear their conversation. -There is more, uncle Goro, they are watching us in this very moment, they are listening to our entire conversation. -They? You had talked about only one, of the famous Ami in your books. -Yes, but there is also Krato, who is the first of the terris to transform into a swama in modern times, although this is not known because he hid in the mountains of Utna. Here is there. And also this Pedrito is there on the ship, who is from a plant very similar to ours. He is my soulmate..We both are on a mission in our planets, we are servants of God who is Love.. The terri pulled hsi green hair on the sides of his head listening all these -Brr, the Political Police Page 87 of 277 -Space ships, beings of other planets, soul mates, missionaries, Love God…Please Vinkita, tell me that all this is a fantasy, it cannot be more than that. The reality is not as bizarre as children’s story. Tell me please. If not you do not say so I think my head will explode…This Universe is not how you paint it in your books. Fantasy it is, not reality. And I could not have been wrong for so many years, I and the scientists, the reasonable and serious people…all are wrong? -Yes, Goro, all are mistaken for millennia - said Ami from the microphone, making a leap to terri. -WHO SAID THAT! -Ami, uncle Goro. He has a microphone in his ship with him that can make his voice heard wherever he wants. Not to mention that he can speak any language, I thought. -I am in fear..may be spirits…evil beings…said Clorka with a trembling voice. -Do not fear, aunt. Ami is very good and is of flesh and blood. It really is as I said in the books. Goro appeared to have come to a conclusion. -Who knows..Well, it is evident that there is an unknown technology, but not from another world, clearly, it is ridiculous, or may be yes..it is crazy to think so..I don't know..what is not apparent is if they have good intentions… May be they are using us…I think I will call the PP. This may be a threat to Kia. -What is the PP, Ami? - I asked him but Krato responded: Page 88 of 277 -Your are right: brrr - I said. -There are some who choose everything beautiful including work…said Krato -The permanent work of each person is like a photograph that reveals the quality of his soul - explained Ami - But do not discriminate - he added - you will see that even in PP there are good people. -My Love..a threat to Kia? - Vinka asked her uncle with a bit of irony. -There are chugs disguised as tukos…Goro said with distrust. -I imagine what he said was something like “wolves disguised as sheep” - I said Ami start to laugh out loud. -So, Pedro, you can see that mistrust is Universal and it always uses the same images. -See how is the terri mind? When it is finally time to have the capacity to accept a superior reality, it needs to reduce it to its own level; it accepts it, yes, but always as something as horrible as its own outlook. Goro half-heartedly accepts that there is life on other worlds, but of course, it has to be evil beings…even if they knew about certain beautiful dimensions of existence, about some wonderful souls of the Cosmos… -And there are also tukos not in disguise, uncle, they too exist. -How nice it would be…but no…it cannot be…IT CANNOT BE! Page 89 of 277 -“No, of course”- said Ami on the microphone- :everything in the Universe must be as dreadful as it is in Kia…THERE CANNOT EXIST realities or superior beings, NATURALLY. Kia is the best existence amongst millions and millions of stars and galaxies. Kia is the highest point of evolution of Universal life. Right Goro?… Vinka, I and Krato laughed, and Goro wavered a bit hearing the joke that Ami made of his thoughts. -Don't know, I do not speak with those who do not dare to show their face…if they have one..What do I know. I need to think. My head hurts. Lets go to bed. -But the sun has not yet set, uncle. -It is ok. you stay here, I will go to bed to read your books to know better. -You have not read them yet, uncle? -I read serious literature, not things of childr…Well, see you tomorrow and tell your “friends” to stop spying with that hidden camera, respecting our private life. Vinka started laughing. Looked above and said: -Did you hear that guys? Ami took the microphone again. -See you tomorrow, and try to accept a bit that not everything is as horrible as you think, my friend Goro, and do not discuss these things with anyone at all, because it could get complicated. Okay? Page 90 of 277 -It is ok - said Goro reluctantly and locked himself in his room banging his door. Ami switched off his screen. -Everything went better than expected, there was much progress in a single session, but do not get overexcited yet. The terri mind suffers from influence of the Tyrant of the World and.. -“How is that, galactic child?” - asked Krato Ami explained him everything about this subject of Tyrant and showed him the screen and meanwhile I watched the other side. -Brr, thanks enough for me. We better see another side. -The young man of the golden sword appeared, but now he had pink hair, violet eyes and ears of swama… -THAT is a champion! Thrust the swords! Ho, ho, ho. -The archetypes change according to the world they are imagined in - explained Ami. I asked if the terri mind also receives influence of that young man. -As much as they accept this influence, they stop being terri, little by little. More sooner or later, all terris will cease to be, always the Love wins and you know why? -No -Because God is Love. Page 91 of 277 Krato got serious and said “you are right Ami. I know it, I have lived it, it was then that I wrote that parchment and I stopped being terri. -So you had this illuminating experience being a terri? - asked Ami -As terri as Goro. -Do you see? God does not despise his lost sheep - said Ami -His lost what? - said the mountain man -His lost tukos. -Ah, neither me, Ami -You do not despise anyone, Krato? -None of the tukos that walked lost in my mountains, so I grabbed one..mmm. a delightful overflowing spicy sauce.Ho, ho, ho! By the way, am hungry. Let us return home. Ami took the controls while we laughed. I thought of taking Krato to the Earth, so that he can see if he really wants to live there. -Fantastic! Head towards the Earth then, electronic child! -But…it would have to be fast…unless you have here inside a…I do not know if you have such things here… -A what, Krato?- I asked. -A toilet - said Ami laughing, because I caught what the old man is thinking. Page 92 of 277 That sparked my curiosity. -Seriously, never knew if….do you use toilet, Ami? What do you think I go for to the other side of the tree - he said between laughs. -That means you too.. -And what do you want? I still do not nurture myself only with the energy of Love, of the Sun and of oxygen, as they do in other levels of existence. There behind you there is a toilet, Krato, second door to the left. -I goooo- said the swama running towards the toilet. Moments later he returned, saying: -Ehhh, that is not a toilet; there is nothing there, it is an empty room… -Oh, you are right. I forgot to explain you. You just need to go in and close the door. -I am a mountain man, but not a dirty one, I am not going to leave that place wet…there is not even a miserable drain there… Ami could not hold his laughter. No, Krato, no. You just have to enter and do nothing… -But if I want to do…for what do I enter there then? To do nothing? Ami had to work hard on himself to stop laughing and be able to explain. Page 93 of 277 -You enter that room, close the door and do nothing. Then return here. Then you will see that you have no more need to… -Ah, that is a place to let go of the need…But some times we have to “do it”…No I do not understand and I can no more stand here…I go. Soon we heard his voice from the room. -Ahhh, what a relief! Ehhh, this is fabulous, kids! -How is that, Ami? -Nothing, you go there and some rays get activated that dematerialize the undesirable substances from your skin, from inside your body. This model of “toilet” is more advanced that the one in my ship’s interior. These rays are capable of knowing what type of germs are adverse or strange in an organism and in a specific ecosystem, and eliminate them or inactivate them, depending on the case, so it also serves as a disinfection chamber and is also used before someone descends to a place where their germs could be harmful to that environment. I remembered that in my previous trips I could not get down into the evolved world, only looked at them through windows or monitors, because my germs may cause problems. -Does that mean with this ship I could descend into an evolved world? -Right, thanks to the disinfection chamber, which also serves as a “bath” and that is its most common use. -That is incredible! And you also do not use rolls of.. -Puaf!…nothing. This is prehistorical for us, fortunately.. Page 94 of 277 -And to bathe yourself? There in the same room. It dematerialized all undesirable things in your body, head, clothes It washes clothes! -Clear. -So, you never undress… Ami laughed and said “We have to change the clothes from time to time, even if they are clean; and also to soak up the Sun on the skin, to walk barefoot on the grass, to remove clothing to swim in the water… And do you also remove clothes to?… Yes - said Ami, perceiving that I wanted to know if they make Love. -Rogue!- I said with malice, gently pinching on his cheek. Ami, in the midst of laugher explained: -This is a subject that is taught to us from very young age, and we take it with much respect and without malice, Pedro. For us, sexuality is a sacred force, apart from generating life, allowing a higher form of communication, joy, internal growth and creativity between two people who Love each other, and so we respect this force very much. We consider it the highest gift of Love, that we can offer to our beloved, and also that is why we do not taint it or degrade it. -I feel like new! I went there and everything changed..My clothes smell like washed, my hair is not matted, this is witchcraft, Ami! Page 95 of 277 -That is a technology, Krato, nothing more than that. -I wanted to go too to see that invention. It was like what the old man said: a prodigy. -With such a thing at home, I would want to bathe always. No loss of time, no freezing, no slipping, no need to leave the bathroom wet, no need to spend money on towels..I want that Earth becomes like Ofir! - I exclaimed, half serious, half jokingly. -That needs to be earned, Pedro, helping Love to reign, inside and outside of you, in order to wipe out the shadows of pain and lies, and this way the Tyrant weakens and cannot find servants. Then they will come to us, because only then they deserve our total help, open and public……We have arrived on the Earth, friends. -This world of yours is very beautiful,”Betro”. -But we are destroying it, Krato. -Same as those at Kia - said the ex terri. -“Those?” - said Ami -Those, the terris, not me; I never did anything bad on my mountains. -But neither did you do any good, you did not get into anything, as if it was none of your business. If no one does anything good, the reign of hatred spreads for millennia and milline… -I cannot do anything, Ami; I am not going to go out and kill terris. And if it is not to kill, but teach, I already wrote the parchment and now I have the right to live in peace. ho, ho, ho! Don't you have something to Page 96 of 277 eat out here? I feel as if my guts are empty. You are an old guy, you like changing the subject when it does not suit you. That is a trap, Krato. -What? IT is true that I am empty guts, outer child! he continued pretending. -And it is also true that we should never stop working, serving. It is not enough to do good once and say goodbye, “to live off of the revenues”…Those who are in true harmony with God can never leave work, can never stop serving. -Why Ami? Because you cannot stop loving..That is why in the higher world no one is “retiring”, there are no “Strikes”, nobody dodges the bulk of his work, of his service to the community. -Really? -Yes, but it also true that our authorities in charge also make sure that we work in the areas where we have more talent, and that is precisely what most of us like to do. -Ah…This way yes. Here on Earth there are not so many considerations, that each one can do whatever he wants to do… -And this way they loose the work of so many talents…there are many things which needs to be improved..For me, there is not better holiday than to work, this is my prize, this what I do now. I know that by “boomerang” or law of cause and effect, I am earning something good, apart from the satisfaction that comes from what I do; but never I think of that. This is my paradise and my heaven: to serve. The words of Ami left me a little undone. It was true that I wrote two books, but on the other side, I wasted hours and hours in video games, in my city, and in the spa and also in game-playing on my computer, or Page 97 of 277 browsing on the internet, or watching TV too much, without doing anything helpful. -Ami began to laugh at my thoughts, and I was relieved. -Never mind that! Do not punish yourself. The desire to serve is something that grows little by little. I was also like you, you will be like me. Everything must mature harmoniously. If the desire is not yet born in you, the DESIRE, to serve in a form much constant, do not do it, because you cannot serve by obligation, employment or self-imposition. In the matters of Love, nothing can be obligatory, but with freedom and if it is not with freedom then it is not of Love. -And when the belly is empty then also there is no Love - Ho, ho, ho! The old man was really hungry. -Bring some “nuts” to Krato, Pedrito. Ami was referring to a food with nutty flavor, but sweet, which I had tried in our first trip and I had loved it. -This is edible? -Yes, try one. -Lets see, mm…Puaf! This is disgusting. They seem like sweet “topas”, are not spicy…Let us leave this child in his house, may be his grandmother will sympathize with my empty stomach… -Lets go, but you cannot descend. It will not be good that they see you a being of space like you, Krato. -You are the creature of space, I am not..Guak!I am what I am… Page 98 of 277 -Then let us leave this child and return to Kia, satellite child! I have my garabolo with spicy sauce at home. I can hear him cry, groaning: come Krato, come to eat me soon, please”. Ho, ho, ho! We arrived at the spa. The night was filled with stars. -Do you want me to accompany you so that you can introduce me to your grandma, “Betro”- joked the old man. -Not in your dreams, my grandma is capable of putting you in a pot of hot sauce.. -Why? Do you have tender meat? Ho, ho, ho! -Wait for me in the forest tomorrow early morning, Pedrito - Ami said to me when I was about to abandon the ship. That was the first time that I was going to go down without pain in my heart. This time no, there would not be a long separation, with Vinka or Ami or Krato. It would only be one night. Or course, the matter would not be so easy, but at that time, I luckily, did not know it. Ami descended me in the rocks. When I went near the rock with engraved winged heart, I looked up, but did not see anything, except stars. Page 99 of 277 CHAPTER 4 COSMIC GRANDMA I was expecting my grandma to be practicing Yoga in the hall. -This time you did not come in sad, Pedro! You have a different face, same as when you left this morning! Did you meet with Ami and with Vinka! - she asked me… -I went crazy, sick, bad…I was taken by surprise and could not respond to her, just looked at her with big eyes like fried eggs. -You know? I believe in whatever you write in your books, little child. This morning while I tended the clothes in the yard I saw a round vehicle made of silver pass by in the sky. It kept going to greater heights until I lost sight of it. It had a winged heart on the base…then it made me thinking, so I went to read your books. In addition, as I take care of myself and take vitamins I managed to remember those tasty extraterrestrial nuts that you brought for me one day, and now you appear happy for the first time. Earlier you were sad because Ami had not returned yet. Isn’t that true?…Yes, I believe that you were actually with him and with Miss Vinka. Those words left me dumbfounded. On the one hand it frightened me, but on the other hand I felt a great hope to finally share my secrets with someone in my world, and if it was going to be my grandmother, the person most loved by me, on this planet, it was the best things happening to me. -Seriously grandmother? -Yes son - said my grandma with much honesty in her eyes. And you are not going to tell anyone? Page 100 of 277 -Why do you think so…of course not. The people do not believe in these marvelous realities and they think that one raves if he touches this subject.. -And will you believe me if I boarded the ship which you saw? -Yes, Pedrito, I thought so when I saw it. You look so happy… -And the extraterrestrials do not give you fear? - I was enthused more and more. -No, because the main force of the Universe is Love, so I think that those beings, who man these ships so fantastic and advanced as that I saw, they must be more evolved much more than us in the path towards Love, and for this reason they must be much more loving, friendly, peaceful and good. I hugged her and I started to cry on her shoulder like a fool. I felt that new possibilities opened up for me. -I ask you one thing, Pedrito, just one favor. -Whatever you want, grandma, if I can, whatever you want. -Let me meet Ami when he returns.. I hugged her again, laughing happily. -Tomorrow you shall meet him! Tomorrow itself? He did not leave for another year this time? - she asked confused. Page 101 of 277 I thought it was wonderful to be able to talk openly with her about these things. I wanted to know more and more. She was listening with content as I recounted the recent events, a little alarmed by the possibility of Goro not giving his permission to Vinka, although I said that I had faith, that everything was going to be resolved. Never in my life I slept as happy as that night; firstly because I now had a brand new grandmother; secondly because I was close to my bigger dream: never separating anymore from Vinka. The next day my grandma was asked excited as I was, so much that she wanted to join me to go to the forest to know Ami. I told her that I would first have to ask him if it was possible. She agreed. I went to the forest. This time I did not have to wait much. Over my head saw first the yellow light, I was lifted up and I came to the interior of the ship. There they were, Ami and Krato smiling. -And Vinka? - I asked -Well in your continent time is earlier than that on Krato, so I passed by you first. Now we will return to Kia to see what new is happening there. -Millions of kilometers as if nothing, as if going to the corner and coming back..how barbaric, Ami -Bi-llions of kilometers, Pedro, but Columbus will be equally surprised if he saw your current world, that his famous travel can be made these days in just few hours flight with those slow gadgets that you use, which spend non-renewable fuels and put out an awful noise. Well, lets go boys. -But first I want to ask you something, Ami. -Ah, just got what you are thinking. Your grandma already knows everything and now you want her to get to know me. I am pleased, Page 102 of 277 everything will be easier as well, and of course I also want to meet her. That made me jump with joy. -Lets go walking, I will follow you, Pedrito. -Yes, lets go -said Krato, inviting himself. -Do not even think of it, if they see you with those ears and that appearance they will imprison you and investigate until the roots of that medium pink hair - warned Ami. -Well, they would be delighted admiring my beauty..Ho, ho, ho! And you will be examined from inside as well, with a pointed knife… -I think my feet are paining, I will wait here.Ho, ho, ho! -Give me greeting to your grandma, “Betrito” -Good, we leave you. All the controls are left deactivated so that you do not commit any mischief and do not end up in Andromeda - laughed the child of the stars. -Can you leave a TV on for me? I would like to watch a sport of this world. -What kind of sport do you like, Krato? -Something like roko-toko. -That means something like “armadillo-net”, Pedro, because roko is an animal of Kia which looks like an armadillo, but a lot faster, and toko is net - explained Ami. -And what kind of sport is that, Krato - I asked him. Page 103 of 277 -Each player has a stick that has a net on its tip. We would throw the roko and it needs to be caught in the net, but you cannot run more than three steps with the animal, this way you have to throw it away to another companion, taking care that the opposite team does not catch it until you reach the arch, where it should be thrown into, y GOL! It is fabulous! -And if your companion is unable to catch it and the animal falls to the ground? -Then he needs to leave running, and the opposite party gets a point, because catching it is not easy. -But the poor thing is going to be hurt on a fall.. -No because the rokos transform into an armored hard ball when they go into the air and are about to fall, but later, “catch me if you can”. Ho, ho, ho! I was the star of “The Utna Fierce”…I used to be called “Roko Red”. -And why is that? -Well, because very often “ I by mistake” would launch the roko and that hard shell with legs used to collide with the head of the most dangerous of the opposite team…leaving him out of the combat.Ho, ho, ho! -You were too dirty to play then! -It was not my fault that someone walked with their soft heads into the way of my roko. Ho, ho, ho! -I told you that this is the least spiritual swama of Kia - said Ami switching on a monitor. - But do not believe much in his fantasies…Here Page 104 of 277 you are. This is a game called football and is a sport much popular in this planet. It is played with just legs and the head. -Ehh…and they kick that poor painted roko… -That is not a roko, but a soft ball. Taking it into hands is forbidden. The blue team has to put it in the arch there; the white team in the opposite… -Give it to ‘em. !! We are white! They dress same as my team of rokotoko, “The fierce Utnas”, wipe them off the map!…what team is that, Ami, the white one? -It is the “Rapid”, of Bucharest, Romania. They are playing for… -You are alone facing the arch…Boots strong now, YES! …EA! This is not good! He was going inside, but someone who is not blue caught the ball with his hands… -It is the goalkeeper of the blue team, Krato, only he can take it with his hands. You will understand it, bit by bit. By pressing this you can see other channels. See you soon. -See you soo…What a good kick! How the blue one flew! Ho, ho, ho!… -What happened? -Who is that in black coming with a red paper in his hand and looking so angrily at the white man who made such a good stride? -He is the umpire, he is a kind of police of the game, and that red card signifies that that player is expelled from the team, because the kicks here are not allowed. Page 105 of 277 ! arggg… He didn’t even touch it! The Blue is just all drama, Ami, complaining like he was trying to impress the referee. HOW MUCH DID THEY PAY YOU!!?? You’re bought! I don’t know of a rule like that, Ami? Hey! Did you win your credentials in a raffle, or what? I felt that if Krato comes to the Earth he is going to adapt very rapidly to some habits of my world - I commented laughing while descending to the forest. -And with his past terri, they are not going to be good habits… Like the last time, two years ago, people looked at Ami with much Love, believing that he was a beautiful child dressed in a costume for a party may be: even patting his head once in a while. He seemed to be happy with the situation, me too, and I was feeling much less worried than last time, because now many knew about Ami and his capabilities. We walked into the house, my grandma came towards us smiling. On seeing Ami she hugged him with great emotion. -How much goodness and light in those eyes!…Yes, this child is not from here…God bless you, may he always protect you well, child! He started laughing. -He always protects me, grandma, but I am not so a child…not that much well, ha, ha. -What a bliss to be able to embrace a being so advanced, an inhabitant of another world! Thank you for this wonderful opportunity, my God; Thank you, Ami, thank you for being the master of my grandson. Page 106 of 277 That caused me grace, my grandma believed that Ami was my “Master”…a child..I started to laugh. She did not understand anything.. -Ami is not my Master, grandma, he is my friend. He looked at her in a special way, she seemed to have understood something and said: -Oh, yes, you are right, little boy. So thanks for being such a “friend” of my grandson, Ami. F-or me it is a pleasure, it is what I Love very much, I do it with all my Love. Well, we are going. Forgive me to not invite you to come with us, Grandma? -No problem. Even if you invite me, I would not come, Ami -Why? Are you afraid? -It is not fear, Ami, it is that I do not want to know much wonders because then I will feel sad about everything in this world, as has happened to Pedrito, that sometimes gets angry with everyone because everyone here is a little cheat. I felt bad. -These are private things, grandma…It is that I cannot help myself but compare them with the people of Ofir…I justified myself. -And you do not compare yourself with those people, Pedro? - Ami asked me. -Well… -That is why, I will not come. I prefer to ignore many good things, and also many bad things.. Page 107 of 277 -You are right, grandma. We know that these trips come with certain psychological dangers. It is not easy to discover a wonderful evolved world and later have to return to live in another place where there is no reign of Love. And that is another reason that makes these contact so scarce., -Bring the cake that I made this morning. Leave some for Miss Vinka and also a bit for Mr. Krato. -Sir. Krato? ha,ha,ha. What thing you say, grandma, that is an old highlander…Sir. Krato, Pedrito. The one who wrote such a parchment, deserves all my respect and admiration. -What? Do not you say so to him if someday you meet him, you are going to inflate his ego, but he is very good and very funny. -Well, see you soon, grandma. -Have you not forgotten to say something to your grandma, Pedro? -No…About what? -About Krato. -No nothing…except that is a very ugly old man. Ha,ha,ha. Well, see you later, grandma. -You forgot to give his greeting, Pedro. -Ah, that…Yes, he sent you greeting. Well, see you soon. -Seriously?…Oh, what an emotion…A beautiful soul…and of another world…Tell him that I appreciate it much and that I reciprocated the Page 108 of 277 same…and …and that whenever he want he can come to have a cup of tea here to discuss about his planet and of mine.. My grandma was too touched by this buffoonery. -Tea? If ever he comes he is not going to tea but…I said -What will he take then, Pedrito? -Wine…what do I know, but surely not tea. -Oh, then I will go buy wine for his visit…Take care of yourself, drive carefully, Ami, respect the regulation, traffic light..or what ever you have. -Do not worry, grandma, responded in the midst of laughters , the little being dressed in white and we said goodbye. -Try to return with Vinka - said my grandma from a distance. When we came back to the ship, the football game had finished and Krato was watching other programs. On seeing us he came towards us very excited. WE WON!!! Ho, ho, ho! We WON! Ho, ho, ho! They got a penalty! Of course it was shameless! The Blue received a face kick out of bounds. The hit cost a free throw, but while he had it, it cost a penalty and was thrown out of the game. But we got it! We had to play with two men short, The referee should have been wearing BLUE. What a win! Even though they didn’t count that beautiful goal, the white were perfectly placed on the field. They passed to two defence men after the ball had been flying towards him. But the referee and the line-guards did some stupid things and told the quarterback he was in an illegal position and they didn’t count it. all the same..We beat them, three to two. Page 109 of 277 How did this happen? Well, we have an African Kicker who is a star. He scored two of the three points that we made. Just between you and me, this guy was passing the ball to himself, He put his whole dark, tanned, self, into it. Vain, heh? But the other team’s coach was an idiot. When they kicked to us, he pulled two men out, put two new defensemen in and they closed up behind us like scared little girls, taking their time. But when the african sent the ball three quarters of the field and scored with a beautiful arch, there was only four mines left in the final. The coach wanted to die! How he was crying to have a new field for his frontline , saying earlier that had sent it to the bank. There are Coaches with heads full of GUAKAKA….oh…Sorry. My mouth fell open: Krato learned the entire game and its rules! Even to the complicated rule of the “position out of the game”, which was so difficult for me to understand. He learned it just by watching one game. -When we really like something, our brain works better because we have our full attention, and attention is something very powerful, Pedro. Also, this old man does not have silly hair.. It is a shame that he does not put his attention on more important things… -Football is very beautiful, Ami! There are similar sports in Kia, but not like this. -I too really like it - I said, but when there is foul, it makes me want to go elsewhere. I do not like the brutality. -The sport seems virile, strong, but not brutal, “Betro”, compared with other sports that I saw on the screen, such as when a man was facing a huge beast, with scary horns…It was being teased with a red cloth and the beast was followed it. Ho, ho, ho! Those horns passed just a few Page 110 of 277 centimeters from the man..It needs courage..but the poor animal is made to do everything! and then they killed it cold blooded…That is what is brutal. -You are right, Krato - said Ami. The animal is nailed, with small knives, that drain its blood little by little, so that it weakens. And with the running more wounds open, causing a terrible pain that makes it angry. Can you imagine yourself running with long knives which are pinned to your back? Never. Until hell freezes over… -You are right, Ami. I could also see other sports of this world which I found to very wild. -To what are you referring to? -Two men would grab each until and give blows to each other until one falls on the ground half dead.. -Ah, that is boxing. Many have fallen dead really…Others remain with damaged brains.- I said -These sports leave a bad exampled and also generate vibrations very low —intervened Ami. Enraged and violent feeling of the spectators transform into mental vibrations that reach the entire city and and the others perceive it, albeit unconsciously, and as these vibrations are “magnetic”, they provoke and induce in others same kind of vibrations, i.e, thoughts and feeling of the same type and will be swamping the world with such vibrations…which is exactly what the Tyrant wants.. Krato intervened: -That is why I like football. That is a sport! I remember the kicks that I could see and said: -You are able to change the subject, like who else you know.. Page 111 of 277 -But it also gets pretty dirty sometimes.. -Dirty were the blues! - protested Krato, blaming only the opposite team and sympathizing his own team. -Can we speak of something beneficial? - asked AMi, a bit annoyed already. -What is in that packet ,there, “Betro”? -Ah, it’s a cake. -Let me try a piece. Mmm. chomp…Puaf! This is sweet. Does everything you eat have to be sweet? -Not everything, only the very tasty things..I said, to annoy him. -This cake is prepared by Pedro’s grandma for us..Krato.. -Ah…But it is delicious…Chomp, chomp…Did you give her my greeting? -Eh? Ah, yes. -And what did she say? -That…thanks..Hopefully Goro has softened a bit more, Ami. -You are not being completely honest, Pedrito. One who hides the truth, also lies. -No, Ami, I sincerely desire that Goro become more soft. Page 112 of 277 -Ok fine..My grandma said many many thanks. -That you already told..and nothing else, “Betro”? -Ah, yes, also she sent you greetings..that she cannot wait to see Vinka.. -And nothing else, “Betro”? -Nothing else…it is hot here… -Pedrooo - said Ami with a tone of reprehension. -Ah, yes, she told Ami to respect the traffic lights..Ha,ha..CAN I TALK ABOUT VINKA NOW? Ami began to laugh. -This is not evolution…How difficult is it to tell the entire truth. -I TOLD EVERYTHING, AMI, ALREADY. He was alerting me. -More or less, meaning more less than more. -I TOLD EVERYTHING SHE SAID, AMI, ENOUGH ALREADY, PLEASE… -You just forgot to say that she expressed a great respect and admiration for the author of the parchment. Also you hid about her excitement when she learned that Krato sent her greetings, and also you did not mention that she invited him to her house, and that she said she was going to buy the type of beverage that Krato likes, to serve him when he visits her. Page 113 of 277 -All that?…What a beautiful old woman..Why did you hide it, “Betro”? -I DID NOT HIDE ANYTHING, I DO NOT HAVE AN ELEPHANT’S MEMORY, ENOUGH OF THIS PERSECUTION. Krato was confused. -What happened to his child, Ami? -It is jealousy, Krato. He is a bit possessive and selfish in sentimental matters… -Ahhhhh… -WHAT?…JEALOUS? I?….I AM JEAROUS…FOR MY GRANDMA? HA,HA,HA. I AM INTERSTED IN VINKA… -Yes, Vinka as a companion, and your grandma as a grandma - said Ami. -THAT, I DO NOT SEE WHY IT IS SUCH A TERRIBLE SIN. -Like grandma…but just for you…you do not want to share her with anyone else. You are willing to close any possibility for her as well in order to have her only for yourself. You do not care for her happiness, but just yours, Pedro. As in the previous trip, when he showed me some of my defects that I had not seen, I slouched on my seat, but now it was distinct. This time I understood that Ami was right and I hid the truth from myself like before. Now, Ami was not an unfair rogue or a slandered for me, but a friend. He was able to get to know me better than myself, showing me that I was selfish, that I wanted my grandmother only for me, with no importance of her personal life. I closed my eyes, I had red checked of Page 114 of 277 same. I decided not to talk anything for a long time until I had reestablished myself. -Oh, lets us go to Kia, child of rockets. -Yes, but something else happened, Krato. -What happened? -Vinka is not in the patio…Something seems to have gone wrong. I jumped. -Let us see the interior of her house. Ami! - I exclaimed. -Yes, there is the house, on the screen…Mmm there is nobody home! -What shall we do, Ami, where shall we search for her? - I asked with a distressed heart. -Easy…I enter her code in the computer and here you go! There she is. Vinka appeared. She was lying on a stretcher where her eyes closed. A terri dressed in white, was sitting beside her and was saying: -Whatever you wrote is a fantasy -Whatever I wrote is a fantasy - she repeated like a robot. -They are hypnotizing her…THEY ARE HYPNOTIZING HER! - Ami exclaimed, quite alerted. -Oh, no, they took her to the PP! - said Krato. I felt that the world came over me. Page 115 of 277 -No, no it is not PP; it is a psychiatric. They want her to forget everything! -Take her away from there then! I was desperate to see what was happening with my beloved. -Throw a deadly ray to that scary terri - said Krato very angry. -Wait, wait, calm down. I am going to connect my mind with hers, but in much elevated level. -Well, do it then - I said very restless. Ami rose. He walked to the rear enclosure of the ship and said : -This I need to do in meditation hall. I need to be alone for few minutes. -Remain calm and do not stop looking at that screen so to inform me later. -Does he have electronic equipment there? - Krato asked me when we were alone. -No, he is going to concentrate mentally, something like that. Let us listen. -Everything you wrote is fantasy -Everything I wrote is fantasy -Who is Pedro, Vinka? -Pedro is my soul mate Page 116 of 277 -That is it Vinka, very well! - I said -No, he does not exist in reality. This character is the soul mate of the protagonist of Lona, but you are Vinka, not Lona. -I am Vinka, not Lona. -Very good, Who is Pedro, Vinka? -He is soulmate of Lona. -Perfect. Now you understand that Ami is a fictional character. Fictional is your uncle!-exclaimed angrily Krato. -I understand that Ami is a fictional character. -Bravo. Who is Ami, Vinka? -Ami is a fictional character. -Magnificent. You already know now that whatever you wrote is a fantasy. -I understand that whatever I wrote is a fantasy. -Now you are going to forget that all you imagined having lived out of Kia. -Do you understand? -Yes I do. Page 117 of 277 -She is going to forget me, Krato, is going to erase me from her memory!- I said desperately -No, she is not going to forget, Pedro - said Ami coming to us I had established a communication with her mind and blocked the suggestions of the psychiatric. She is going to just follow the game so that he believes that she is obedient, but she will not forget anything, because she is conscious, also acting as if hypnotized. -Are you sure that will work? - I asked. -Absolutely, Pedro. -Vinka just communicated to me telepathically that Goro ordered this so that we move away from her life. He told the doctor terri, a family friend, and who knows Vinka’s books, that she is going through a period of confusion, in that she believes having lived really her stories, and asked him to hypnotize her to make her “enter the reality”. But let us give a surprise to the doctor. -He took the controls, entered something in the dashboard and said: -Magnificent, we have the authorization to make ourselves visible. Immediately we were automatically transferred and appeared in front of the window of a building, on the tenth floor. Behind the glass we could see Vinka and the doctor. -There are no extrakian ships - the terri was saying. -There are no extrakian ships - repeated Vinka. Ami made the ship visible, launched a strong light towards the window, which made the doctor look and according to the indications of our Page 118 of 277 friend, we three started to greet him smiling from few meters of distance… -They…do not…exist…the…yesthey exist…they exist…they exist… the doctor was murmuring constantly… In front of his eyes was a space ship, a happy swama and two strange specimens for him: Ami and I… The surprised passers by began to swirl in the street looking upwards. Later the ship was made invisible, then visible, then invisible. Terri did not want to know more, woke up Vinka and asked her: -Who is Ami? The space child took the microphone, made his voice such that only Vinka could hear it and said “Say Ami is that white child whom he just saw out of the window”. -Ami is the white child that you just saw out of the window… -Then everything is true! -Yes, doctor and hypnosis cannot stand against the truth. Ami returned to talk into the microphone and told Vinka to explain everything to him, with sincerity. For a long time she told the entire story to the doctor, he listened to it with much interest. When finally the story came to an end the professional made a decision. -Goro lied to me then…I am going to help you Vinka. I will do it because in that ship is the motivation of your affection, and science already knows that we need for our health: the affection. -Love - said Vinka —because Love is God. Page 119 of 277 -Hmmm Love…God…he said those words with a revulsion. -They are synonyms, doctor. Love and God is the same, It is because we need Love very much, i.e we need God. -In the scientific world these worlds are not used, Vinka, they are not good to look at. One case lose all his prestige speaking of…that…Say affection, it is better than using that term…that…sentimental word. -Love is a sentimental word? It is of God! -And enough with that! I have a question for you, Vinka: Is hunger God? -No. of course not. Why? -Because hunger and Love are basic biological necessities, Feeling of hunger is necessary so as not to die of starvation, and feeling of Love are necessary to protect our young, to protect the species. Nothing more. We need it because we produce the feeling of protection, of security, of worthiness, and that is why we have to reproduce, but that is all. We also feel hatred and aggressiveness, and that also is for protection of the species, this way it will be ridiculous comparisons, it is absurd it is to say that Love is God , just as it is absurd to say that hunger is God or aggressiveness is God, or that hatred is God. We cannot confirm things without verifiable basis. Ami seemed to feel sad. -When a soul never has been illuminated by Love, for such a soul it is an absurd concept, or if not then something comparable to a vulgar instinctive feeling, as he is bound to, and that is why for that doctor Love is the same as hunger, aggressiveness, hatred. Page 120 of 277