Fractal Psychological counselor.



On a class observation day,

most of parents check their children's name

on a notice in a classroom.







how good other children perform?



So many concerns will come up to the minds.



Actually, if the kid was good at something 

and posted on the wall,

great feeling only last a few days.



On the contrary, the bad feeling 

which made by the caution from notice 

on the wall, 

will last a few weeks.



Comparing to others will be necessary

to correct the daily accustom and contribute 

to the improvement of study ability.



But, too much comparison is like poison your minds.




You make definitions of 


"smart kid"




"can not be smart kid".




It is easy to put label to own children 

as "can not be smart kid" 

by finding bad grade,

notices on a wall at classroom, 

and daily attitudes toward prarents.



Then, unconsciously, parents think 

this "can not be smart kid" must be cared

and make them not challenge things.



Without knowing, parents become overprotective to kids.



As a result, minds change of parents will be needed

if you have this habit to your children.



The habit of labeling is so difficult to find by oneself.



Fractal Psychology is good at it!



It helps you to find your bad habit and modify.




Come and study TAW!!!