On June. 15, 2018,  I would teach "become to like studying"  at TAW college in Aquarius Navi.
Preparing my portrait for this class is necessary.

Hi,  I'm Fractal Psychological counselor,

The photographer is Ms. Noriko Tamura who studied with Fractal Psychology master upper course.
I asked her because she knew what I want to be and how it is like to be, also.
Her advices are great to hear and this is what I needed to be done.

However, old people said,
"People around you are your reflection as a mirror."
This didn't make any sense and could not understand it, in the past.
As I started studying Fractal Psychology deeper and deeper,
it got to make sense.
It was like jigsaw puzzle putting right piece on the right place.

Looking myself in the portrait,
I see myself as an Fractal psychological instructor 
in the future.
And through this portrait in a camera,
looking like my mother,
surprising to realize my smile,
having dimples on my cheek,
finding wrinkles on my face.
It was miracle moment to feel in many ways.

Looking forward to seeing my portrait!!! 

This picture in below is Ms Tamura who enjoy taking pictures at any time.
I was pleased to ask her to make my portraits because she has a great value of her work.