そうか・・・たぶん(^_^)v | hushhushnowのブログ



At home today・・・relaxing


After watching the Taiga drama as usual, and this program started


As soon as I saw the word heatstroke, my memory came back


April 2018, that must have been heatstroke

I gave up in the middle of that marathon race for the first time


 2021,2月↓     2018, 11月↓          2016, 12月↓

Since then, I've become intolerant of the heat, and when the temperature rises a little, I often had blood in my urine back then

I went to the hospital, but nothing was wrong

So, Lately I practice as early in the morning as possible while it's cool
Maybe because of that now, my physical condition is on the rise アップ
For now that was best that hematuria is gone


There's no option to stop ランニング
Running is necessary to improve other subjective symptoms


That's why I'm going to think about what kind of practice method is good so that I can continue running for a long time

For now, the practice method now is successful
After that, it's a practice method for running long distances


Come to think of it, I haven't been to that place for a while

I don't feel like going yet, but if the fall tournament is decided, I'll probably go again


Ah, it will rain tomorrow too