◇The symptoms of the disease◇ | hushhushnowのブログ






The symptoms of the disease are diverse

Not all symptoms apply

The same symptoms exist in various disease names

For example schizophrenia
For example autonomic imbalance
For example menopause 

For example meniere's disease too ひらめき電球

Well, the GIST was small in size and should have no symptoms ・・・
Back then it was just back pain and stomach discomfort

Speakig of GIST, after the surgery, sometimes when I was eating, the food didn't fall down to my stomach from throat

It was really painful every time I had symptoms

I wonder if it was the esophagus, not the throat

I wonder what was good about this symptom that I'm getting better lately
Well, my symptoms have subsided, so I don't care

Every time I had various symptoms, I looked up various disease names, and as a result of using the elimination method, I arrived at the present and decided to believe in myself

To enjoy life, I need to be prepared to take some risks