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The zoo repo of July 12th continues today


Peaceful time


The first time I saw an okapi was at Yokohama Zoo Zurasia


This is familiar

Cute eyes



  A gentle face and brave horns




プカリ ・・・ in the water


slowly, slowly 






They are also hanging


The bear is finally here


If I look closely, it's cute


Even if the same bear, If the type is different, the atmosphere will change

This is scary ↓


I looked for the polar bear, but unfortunately,  I couldn't find it anywhere

I wonder if I can see it when it gets a little cooler


Now, next is the tiger

I can see the familiar pattern

Came out, came out



Take a rest in the shade of a tree


Impressive body


Finally, this was also big


Even on such a hot day, the small elephants are very active



目   目   目


Well, 猿山 is next time

That’s better that I regret not to see 猿山

I thought it's better to be a little unsatisfied feelings


Well, souvenirs

    which one?




It was fun, but I was tired because I walked quite a bit


The tail is cute



      July 12th Zoo Repo

                                   This is the end