□ ICE PACK & ホカロン □ | hushhushnowのブログ



Last summer,

I had been put these 

      in towel around my neck

     or put these in my pocket,

                 or hold these in my hand


This is from today


I can't beat this cold


I had mental speech with myself in futon,

and I got up

For example,

『I'm sleepy』

『That's always the case 

when I wake up in the morning,

and it's easy to wake up 

with a cup of hot coffee』


『I'm cold』

 『I'm very cold

 when just start running, but

It gets warmer if I keep running』


『I stay in the futon for another 5 minutes』

『That 5 minutes is dangerous.

The sky will brighten

 as soon as I notice

『I want to run in that place, in the sun,

 but ・・・

『A little far, 

if the virus goes away a little more,

that day will come again



These are just one example


We have an internal conversation with ourself

In other words,

human beings are thinking creatures


I just wanted to say that it was cold 

and I started using ホカロン,

but I wrote something extra as usual



I don't forget playfulness, 

I don't forget to have fun,

and, I take it easy from now on,