”◙ー A PAIN ー◙” | hushhushnowのブログ



Pain is subjective feeling


It's a feeling that

                  others can't understand


That's why I feel like this ↓






  it's just my imagination




This is one of my story series



□ STORY 6□ 


Once upon a time

There was a patient person

No matter what anyone says

Whatever happens

・・・・・ Endured

This is only a part of my story

One day

Patient person complained

「Chest pain」

Doctor said

『Time has passed since the inspection

(It was about 3 weeks)

  Inspection and Chest pain

                    won't be related』


Patient person remembered ・・・

(I told another doctor 

   about Chest pain at that time  so, 

  he said; Bleeding 

   and,  I got a painkiller)


Memory is ambiguous


One day ・・・ First day

Patient person was given explanation

                           by another doctor

『Tumor size is 3cm』


Patient person thought

              the tumor was bigger

After surgery

One day

Patient person complained

「I'm hard to breathe」

Nurse said

《Stuff happens

  Deep breathing can help you calm down》


X-ray was no problem


Patient person believed


One day

Patient person complained

「Maybe ・・・I'm a worrywart

 This unbearable palpitation of the heart

Does it becomes

           such feelings after surgery ?」

Doctor said

The answer is

『I don't know』 or

『No such thing』


Explain only the professional field


Patient person felt

It might be a mental problem

               not a medical problem


Patient person asked

「Could you introduce me to psychiatry ?」


Doctor said

「I can't do that」



『there is no problem to drink any medicine』

『There are good doctors in town

Please come if it doesn't heal』

『You made a phone reservation, did you ?』

Patient person thought

   I wonder 

      what kind of meaning those word have


The last day

Patient person didn't say anything

         except feeling worse after eating

Doctor said

『This is the surgical wound』


Patient person studied

   (Polyp or Blood Test etc.)


Patient person felt

  Their pride is like that

What is pride ?


Patient person thought

I won't endure anymore


Patient person became

        a courageous person


        -The End-




A story just like my allegory


It's difficult

   to make others understand the pain


I think ・・・・・

If it's visible wound

    Show it 


           know a person's pain


If it's invisible wound

      We can't know a person's pain