【修士論文 2021】底生魚によるPelagic Habitatの利用-メキシコ湾のカサゴ類稚魚 | ウッカリカサゴのブログ



Mertzlufft, D.W. (2021) Pelagic Habitat Use by Benthic Fishes—Juvenile Scorpaenoids of the Oceanic Gulf of Mexico
Master’s thesis, Nova Southeastern university, Fort lauderdale, Florida, 64 pp.


The suborder Scorpaenoidei is among the most speciose fish taxa of the World Ocean, including the Gulf of Mexico (GoM). 
Most adult scorpionfishes are benthic and have a pelagic juvenile phase. 
Although the species descriptions and distributions of adult scorpionfishes within the GoM are well documented, their juvenile forms are largely undescribed. 
Due to the poorly resolved taxonomic status of juvenile scorpionfishes, their assemblage dynamics have not been accurately assessed. 
Specimens were collected from the GoM during seven research cruises (2010-2011), as part of the NOAA-supported Offshore Nekton Sampling and Analysis Program (ONSAP), 
and during six research cruises (2015-2018), as a part of the GOMRI-supported Deep Pelagic Nekton Dynamics of the Gulf of Mexico Consortium (DEEPEND). 
Members of the suborder Scorpaenoidei occurred within 47% of epipelagic trawls from the ONSAP and DEEPEND surveys. 
Juvenile scorpaenoids were as abundant within the upper 200 m of the GoM during the day from the DEEPEND survey as one of the most successful midwater fish groups, the Myctophidae. 
Nine unique morphotypes were defined, with putative identifications, based upon meristics, morphometrics, and internal and external features with an emphasis on head spines. 
Pontinus rathbuni accounted for the majority of specimens collected. 
Specimens of P. rathbuni that were of comparable size to juvenile myctophids (e.g., 15-19 mm standard-length) showed the same diet composition as myctophids 
but predated during the day as opposed to nocturnal feeding by the myctophids, 
suggesting a degree of niche partitioning between juvenile benthic and adult pelagic species in a low-latitude oceanic ecosystem.

scorpionfishes は、メキシコ湾を含む世界の海洋で最も種の豊富な魚類の分類群の1つである。
scorpionfishes の成魚のほとんどは底生で、pelagic juvenile phase を持っている。
メキシコ湾内の scorpionfishes 成魚の種の記載と分布は十分に文書化されているが、稚魚期についてはほとんど記載されていない。
scorpionfishes 稚魚の分類学的地位が十分に解明されていないため、その群集動態は正確に評価されていない。
メキシコ湾からの標本は、NOAA が支援する Offshore Nekton Sampling and Analysis Program (ONSAP) の一環として7回の研究航海 (2010~2011) で、
また GOMRI が支援する Deep Pelagic Nekton Dynamics of the Gulf of Mexico Consortium (DEEPEND) の一環として6回の研究航海 (2015~2018) で収集された。
Scorpaenoidei の魚は、ONSAP および DEEPEND 調査による表層トロール網の47%の範囲内で見られた。
DEEPEND 調査では、日中、メキシコ湾上部 200 メートルの範囲内で、最も繁殖力の高い中層魚類の1つである Myctophidae と同じくらい、scorpaenoids の魚が数多く見られた。
収集された標本の大部分は Pontinus rathbuni であった。
myctophids 稚魚(標準体長15~19 mm など)と同程度の大きさの P. rathbuni の標本は、myctophids と同じ餌料構成を示したが、
myctophids が夜間に摂食するのに対し、P. rathbuni は日中に捕食しており、



 1.1. Dominant Holopelagic Fishes and Meropelagic Scorpaenoids – Differing Body Plans Despite Habitat Co-occurrence.....1
 1.2. Meropelagic Fish Body Forms, with Emphasis on Scorpaenoids.....3
 1.3. Scorpaenoid Life History Relative to Pelagic Existence.....4
 1.4. Taxonomic Composition of Juvenile Scorpionfishes.....4
  1.4.1 Systematic Background of Scorpionfishes.....5
  1.4.2. Taxonomy of Pelagic-Phase Juvenile Scorpaenoids.....6
 1.5. Trophic Ecology of Scorpaenoids and Other Pelagic Fishes.....9
 1.6. Objectives.....9

2. METHODS.....10
 2.1. Scorpaenoid Sample Collection.....10
  2.1.1. Multiple Opening/Closing Net and Environmental Sensing System (MOCNESS) Sampling.....12
  2.1.2. High-Speed Rope Trawl (HSRT) Sampling.....13
 2.2. Spatiotemporal Distribution.....14
 2.3. Scorpaenoid Specimen Processing.....15
  2.3.1. Specimen Morphology.....15
 2.4. Gut Content Analysis.....18

3. RESULTS.....20
 3.1. Pelagic-Phase Juvenile Scorpaenoid Identification.....21
  3.1.1. Morphotype A.....21
  3.1.2. Morphotype B.....25
  3.1.3. Morphotype C.....27
  3.1.4. Morphotype D.....28
  3.1.5. Morphotype E.....30
  3.1.6. Morphotype F.....31
  3.1.7. Morphotype G.....32
  3.1.8. Morphotype H.....34
  3.1.9. Morphotype I.....35
  3.1.10. Helicolenus dactylopterus.....36
  3.1.11. Pterois spp. .....38
  3.1.12. シロカサゴ Setarches guentheri.....39
 3.2. Frequency of Occurrence of Juvenile Scorpaenoids in the Pelagic GoM.....41
  3.2.2. Abundance and Vertical Distribution.....41
  3.2.3. Pontinus rathbuni – Depth of Occurrence and Size at Depth.....44
  3.2.4. Pontinus rathbuni – Temporal Distribution.....45
 3.3 Trophic Ecology.....47
  3.3.1. Stomach Fullness and Vacuity.....47
  3.3.2. Prey Assemblage of Pontinus rathbuni.....49
  3.3.3. Prey State of Digestion.....51

4. DISCUSSION.....52
 4.1. Spatiotemporal Distribution of Pelagic-Phase Scorpaenoids.....52
 4.2. Scorpaenoid Faunal Assemblage Structure.....53
 4.3. Trophic Analysis of Pontinus rathbuni.....54
  4.3.1. Pontinus rathbuni Diet Composition and Comparison.....54
  4.3.2. Stomach Fullness, Prey State of Digestion, and Stomach Vacuity.....54
5. CONCLUSION.....54
6. REFERENCES.....56
7. APPENDICES.....62

Putative ID: Pontinus rathbuni


Putative ID: N/A


Putative ID: Scorpaena plumieri


Putative ID: シロカサゴ Setarches guentheri


Putative ID: Pontinus longispinis


Putative ID: Scorpaena agassizi


Putative ID: Scorpaena spp. A 


Putative ID: Scorpaena spp. B


Putative ID: N/A


ユメカサゴ属 Helicolenus dactylopterus


ミノカサゴ属 Pterois spp. 


シロカサゴ Setarches guentheri


■pelagic をどう和訳すか?

■沖山宗雄 (1999) 仔稚魚を記載するにあたっての留意事項:再掲
