"DOWNLOAD/PDF  Strength Training: For Men and Women Over 50 Reclaim Your Health & Fitness, Lose Fat, Get Toned & Build Muscle (Life After 50)


LIFE CAN BE AMAZING AFTER 50, ESPECIALLY WHEN YOU'RE PHYSICALLY ABLE TO ENJOY IT!                         YOU?RE NOT DOOMED! Being designed for movement means that you can and will become strong again if you're willing to be consistent about it. Just because you've got out of the habit, it doesn't mean you're doomed to be achy, stiff, and inflexible forever.     MUSCLES CAN RE-LEARN Your muscles may have forgotten what it feels like to move and stretch the way they used to, but if you put in a little bit of work every day or even every week, you will notice how quickly your muscle re-learn new things and even excel at them.     ENJOY BEING ACTIVE AGAIN One of the biggest unwelcome visitors of old age is declining muscle mass. In fact, you can lose as much as 3 to 5% of your muscle mass per decade. And when muscle mass declines, other things start to go awry too. Time to get active again.