Why Certify?
Exam Registration
Computer-Based Testing Benefits
2017 Computer-Based Testing (CBT) Locations
ISACA Exam Candidate Information Guide
CISA: Certified Information Systems Auditor
CISM: Certified Information Security Manager
CGEIT: Certified in the Governance of Enterprise IT
CRISC: Certified in Risk and Information Systems Control
The Benefits of CRISC
How to Become CRISC Certified
Job Practice Areas 2015
How to Become CRISC Certified: Exam Passers 2011 - 2014
Job Practice Areas: Exam Passers 2011 - 2014
May/June Exam Window Information
Apply for CRISC Certification
Prepare for the Exam
Taking the Exam
Maintain Your CRISC
CRISC Frequently Asked Questions
Additional Resources
Exam Registration & Administration
CRISC Certification  | Certification Requirements  |  Exam Content

Exam Registration & Administration
FAQ Questions:
To provide you with an immediate response to your inquiry, we are using this automated response that addresses the most frequently asked questions (FAQs) we are receiving at this time. We hope that your question is answered below, and if so, you will not be receiving a further response from ISACA. If not, your inquiry will be answered as quickly as possible.


When will I receive my December 2016 exam results?
Why does it take 5 weeks to process CISA/CISM exam results and 8 weeks to process the CGEIT and CRISC exam results?
How is the exam scored?
How do I provide comments on testing conditions?
When is the next exam administration?
When does registration begin for the 2017 exams?
What are the exam deadlines?
Can I take the CISA, CISM, CGEIT and CRISC exams in the same exam window?
When can I schedule my 2017 exams?
Where can I find the locations for the 2017 exams?
Where can I find CISA/CISM/CGEIT/CRISC applications for certification?
What are the requirements for CISA/CISM/CGEIT/CRISC certification?
FAQ Answers:
1. When will I receive my December 2016 exam results?

The CISA and CISM exam results will be released approximately five (5) weeks from the date of the exam. The CGEIT and CRISC exam results will be released approximately eight (8) weeks from the date of the exam. When released, they will be released by hard copy result letter and a one-time email notification to those who consented to receiving the result notification via email during the registration process and do not have a balance due on their exam fee. To ensure the confidentiality of scores, exam results will not be reported by telephone, fax or email other than the one-time notification email.

2. Why does it take 5 weeks to process CISA/CISM exam results and 8 weeks to process the CGEIT and CRISC exam results?

ISACA takes the processing of exam results very seriously. Best practice dictates that item performance be carefully reviewed after each exam administration to ensure that items performed in a fair and consistent manner. Also, ISACA’s policy is to release the results of all of our exams together, rather than individually as they are processed. CISA and CISM exam results will be released within 5 weeks of the exam administration (in place of the 8 weeks as currently exists for CGEIT and CRISC). This change was viable due to the maturity of the respective exams and item pool.

ISACA works with its testing agency to administer our exams in over 250 locations worldwide. The first step in the grading process is the review of the preliminary statistical analysis, which begins when a majority of answer sheets are returned. This usually occurs a week or two after the exam administration date. This preliminary analysis is conducted on each exam item in every language that the exam item is offered. Currently, ISACA offers 4 different exams, in up to 10 languages. This step is essential because it identifies items that did not perform well based on statistics. Items with poor statistics are reviewed by the members of the respective certification working group. If an error or inconsistency is discovered within an item, the answer key is adjusted to ensure candidates are not penalized for the error.

Items with performance statistics on translated exams are also reviewed to determine if errors in translation occurred, impacting the candidate’s ability to answer an item correctly. This review is performed by multilingual ISACA members who hold the respective certifications.

Once the answer keys are finalized, a passing point is determined and approved by the Certification Working Group for each certification. At this point, the testing agency processes each of the exam candidate’s final grades by converting it into a score between 200 and 800.

ISACA and our testing agency are dedicated to the efficient processing of exam results. We are also committed to performing the proper due diligence so that test results are reliable.

3. How is the exam scored?

ISACA uses a 200-800 point scale with 450 as the passing mark for the exams. A scaled score is a conversion of the raw score on an exam to a common scale. It is important to note that the exam score is not based on an arithmetic or percent average. For example, the scaled score of 800 represents a perfect score with all 200 questions answered correctly; a scaled score of 200 is the lowest score possible and signifies that only a small number of questions were answered correctly.

A candidate must receive a scaled score of 450 or higher to pass the exam. A score of 450 represents a minimum consistent standard of knowledge as established for the exam by the respective ISACA Certification Committee. The passing score of 450 represents the minimum number of questions that must be answered correctly by the candidate in order to demonstrate practical application of the job task and knowledge statements. A candidate receiving a passing score may then apply for certification if all other requirements are met.

4. How do I provide comments on testing conditions?

Candidates who wish to address any additional comments or concerns about the examination administration, including site conditions or the content of the exam, should contact ISACA international headquarters by letter or by email (exam@isaca.org). Please include the following information in your comments: exam ID number, testing site, date tested and any relevant details on the specific issue. Only those comments received by ISACA during the first 2 weeks after the exam administration will be considered in the final scoring of the exam. Appeals undertaken by a certification exam taker, certification applicant or by a certified individual are undertaken at the discretion and cost of the exam taker, applicant or individual.

5. When is the next exam administration?

In 2017, ISACA is moving to Computer Based Testing (CBT). The next opportunity to sit for the exam is the May-June 2017 exam window. Registration for this window is currently open at www.isaca.org/examreg.

For more information on the 2017 exams, please visit www.isaca.org/examguide.

6. When does registration begin for the 2017 exams?

Registration for the May-June 2017 exam window is now open. You can register for the exam at www.isaca.org/examreg.

7. What are the exam deadlines?

For more details on exam windows, dates, deadlines please visit www.isaca.org/examguide

8. Can I take the CISA, CISM, CGEIT and CRISC exams in the same exam window?

Yes you may take one each of CISA, CISM, CGEIT and CRISC within the same window. You may NOT take the same certification exam more than one time within a window. For example, you may take both the CISA and CRISC in the same window, but you would not be allowed to take the CISA exam more than one time in the same window.

9. When can I schedule my 2017 exams?

Scheduling a date for the May-June 2017 exam will open 15 February. Once open, you can choose your date and location from the available times/location listings. As the scheduling date draws near, you will be sent email notifications. If you have not heard from ISACA by this date, please contact us at support.isaca.org.

10. Where can I find the locations for the 2017 exams?

Exams are administered at PSI testing locations worldwide. Visit www.isaca.org/examlocations for a tentative listing of the exam sites. Please note these exam sites are subject to change and are for reference only. Candidates are encouraged to check this list prior to registering and submitting payment for the exam to ensure that there is a site at which they would like to take the exam, as exam registration fees are non-refundable. When scheduling your test appointment via PSI’s website, the most current listing will be available.

11. Where can I find CISA/CISM/CGEIT/CRISC applications for certification?

CISA applications are located at www.isaca.org/cisaapp.
CISM applications are located at www.isaca.org/cismapp.
CGEIT applications are located at www.isaca.org/cgeitapp.
CRISC applications are located at www.isaca.org/criscapp.

12. What are the requirements for CISA/CISM/CGEIT/CRISC certification?

CISA requirements for certification: www.isaca.org/cisarequirements.
CISM requirements for certification: www.isaca.org/cismrequirements.
CGEIT requirements for certification: www.isaca.org/cgeitrequirements.
CRISC requirements for certification: www.isaca.org/criscrequirements.

Exam Registration & Administration :: CRISC Certification
Certification Requirements :: Exam Content

CRISC Certification
What does the CRISC continuing professional education program require?
How do I renew my certification and/or report my CPE?
Does ISACA provide discount on certification maintenance (renewal) fees if I have multiple certifications?
What type of work experience do I need for CRISC certification?
Where can I view details on the job practice domains?
Where can I learn more about the CRISC certification?
How do I best prepare for the CRISC exam?
1. What does the CRISC continuing professional education program require?

In order to become and remain a CRISC, an individual must agree to comply with the CRISC continuing professional education program. This program requires an individual to earn a minimum of 20 CPE hours annually and 120 CPE hours over their 3-year cycle. In addition, an annual maintenance fee of US $45 ISACA member and US $85 non-member is required.

  Download CPE policy

2. How do I renew my certification and/or report my CPE?

To renew the certification requires earning and reporting CPE hours annually and over a fixed 3-year cycle period and paying an annual certification maintenance fee.

 Our CPE reporting system has recently been enhanced and certified individuals are now able to report CPE as they are earned.

  CPE Reporting FAQs

How to report your CPE:

Log in at www.isaca.org
Click on MY ISACA
Click on Manage My CPE
Scroll down, then click on Add CPE button
Enter CPE activity information and click Save.
To pay the annual maintenance fee:

You can pay the annual fee safely and securely at www.isaca.org/renew.
If you have forgotten your password, click on the "Forgot Password?" link. After remitting your payment by credit card you will receive a purchase receipt online and via email, in addition to a receipt by postal mail. If you are not paying by credit card and want to pay by check or bank transfer, click the "Pay by Check or Bank Transfer" button when you reach the shopping cart.

3. Does ISACA provide a discount on certification maintenance (renewal) fees if I have multiple certifications?

Yes, for those individuals who renew 3 or more ISACA certifications, ISACA offers a discount on the 3rd and 4th renewal fees of $20 for members and $35 for nonmembers.

4. What type of work experience do I need for CRISC certification?

The Certified in Risk and Information Systems Control certification (CRISC, pronounced “see-risk”) is intended to recognize a wide range of professionals for their knowledge of enterprise risk and their ability to design, implement, monitor, and maintain IS controls to mitigate such risk. It is particularly designed for IT professionals who have hands-on experience with risk identification, assessment and evaluation; risk response; risk monitoring; IS control design and implementation; and IS control monitoring and maintenance. Please see the job tasks and knowledge statements that relate to this certification at Job Practice.

5. Where can I view details on the job practice domains?

Please visit Job Practice to view the CRISC task and knowledge statements.

6. Where can I learn more about the CRISC certification?

Please visit the CRISC page.

7. How do I best prepare for the CRISC exam?

Exam candidates should have a solid understanding of CRISC terminology and concepts. The CRISC exam will primarily align with the terminology and concepts described in The Risk IT Framework, The Risk IT Practitioner Guide, and COBIT 4.1. This will include applications in the evaluation and monitoring of Information Systems (IS)-based risk, as well as the design and implementation of IS controls. It is also critical that the CRISC candidate is familiar with the CRISC Job Practice, and is able to apply the concepts associated with each of the 5 domains.

It is important for a CRISC candidate to be able to distinguish functional terms and apply concepts associated with “risk,” “threats,” and “vulnerabilities.”  These terms should not be used interchangeably.

“Risk” refers to the likelihood (or frequency) and magnitude of loss that exists from a combination of asset(s), threat(s), and control conditions.  As a derived value, it cannot take a plural form (i.e., “risks”).  Consequently, when referring to conditions that represent some amount of risk, terms such as “risk factors,” “risk scenarios” or “risk concerns” will be used.
“Threat” refers to anything (e.g., object, substance, human) that is capable of acting against an asset in a manner that can result in loss or harm.
“Vulnerability” refers to control conditions that are deemed to be deficient relative to requirements or the threat levels being faced.  It is a weakness in design, implementation, operation, or internal controls.
As much of the test focuses on practical application of terminology and concepts, simply reading The Risk IT Framework, The Risk IT Practitioner Guide, and COBIT 4.1 will not lend enough knowledge to pass the CRISC exam. Exam candidates will need to draw from their experience implementing the concepts illustrated.

Exam Registration & Administration :: CRISC Certification
Certification Requirements :: Exam Content

Certification Requirements
What do I need to do if I have received a revocation notice?
Where can I find the CRISC Application for certification?
Is there a fee to apply for certification?
What are the qualifications to earn the CRISC credential?
What does the CRISC continuing professional education policy require?
Do I need to submit documentation for my CPE hours?
Does ISACA provide a discount on certification maintenance (renewal) fees if I have multiple certifications?
1. What do I need to do if I have received a revocation notice?

If you have received a revocation notice, please contact certification@isaca.org.

2. Where can I find the CRISC Application for Certification?

The CRISC application is available at www.isaca.org/criscapp.

3. Is there a fee to apply for certification?

For certification applications received on 1 June 2012 and forward, an application processing fee of US $50 will be required to apply for certification. The application processing fee will support our dedication to efficient and proper processing of certification applications according to industry standards. The fee will also help support the integrity of the application process, which in turn reinforces the strength and reputation of the overall certification programs.

Payment for the CRISC application processing fee can be made online at www.isaca.org/criscpay.

4. What are the qualifications to earn the CRISC credential?

To become CRISC certified requires passage of the CRISC exam and 3 years work experience requirements in the fields of risk management and IS control. A minimum of at least three (3) years of cumulative work experience performing the tasks of a CRISC professional across at least three (3) CRISC domains is required for certification. There are no substitutions or experience waivers. Individuals must apply for certification by completing and submitting a CRISC Application for Certification.

5. What does the CRISC continuing professional education policy require?

In order to become and remain a CRISC an individual must agree to comply with the CRISC continuing professional education program. This program requires an individual to earn a minimum of 20 CPE hours annually and 120 CPE hours over the 3 year cycle years. In addition, an annual maintenance fee of US $45 ISACA member and US $85 non-member is required. To view the CRISC CPE policy, visit www.isaca.org/crisccpepolicy.

6. Do I need to submit documentation for my CPE hours?

Documentation of CPE hours does not need to be provided to ISACA unless you are selected for an audit of your CPE hours. If you are selected for an audit of your CPE hours, you will be notified via email and hard copy via the postal mail.

7. Does ISACA provide a discount on certification maintenance (renewal) fees if I have multiple certifications?

Yes, for those individuals who renew 3 or more ISACA certifications, ISACA offers a discount on the 3rd and 4th renewal fees of $20 for members and $35 for nonmembers

Exam Registration & Administration :: CRISC Certification
Certification Requirements :: Exam Content



ISACAのCRISC 資格専門知識試験に受かるために一所懸命頑張って勉強していれば、あなたは間違っているのです。もちろん頑張って勉強するのは試験に合格することができますが、望ましい効果を達成できないかもしれません。現在はインターネットの時代で、試験に合格する ショートカットがたくさんあります。ShikenPASSのISACAのCRISC 資格専門知識試験トレーニング資料はとても良いトレーニング資料で、あなたが試験に合格することを保証します。この資料は値段が手頃だけでなく、あなたの時間を大量に節約できます。そうしたら、半分の労力で二倍の効果を得ることができます。

人生はさまざまな試しがある、人生の頂点にかからないけど、刺激のない生活に変化をもたらします。あなたは我々社の提供する質高いISACA CRISC 資格専門知識問題集を使用して、試験に参加します。もし無事にCRISC 資格専門知識試験に合格したら、あなたはもっと自信になって、更なる勇気でやりたいことをしています。

どんなに宣伝しても、あなたの自身体験は一番重要なことです。我々社のShikenPASSからISACA CRISC 資格専門知識問題集デモを無料にダウンロードできます。多くの受験生は試験に合格できましたのを助けるISACA CRISC 資格専門知識ソフト版問題はあなたの大好きになります。CRISC 資格専門知識問題集を使用してから、あんたはIT業界でのエリートになります。

試験科目:「Certified in Risk and Information Systems Control」
問題と解答:全393問 CRISC 合格率

>> CRISC 合格率


NO.1 What are the requirements for creating risk scenarios? Each correct answer represents a part of
the solution. Choose three.
A. Determination of the value of an asset
B. Determination of cause and effect
C. Determination of the value of business process at risk
D. Potential threats and vulnerabilities that could cause loss
Answer: A,C,D

CRISC 開発   
Creating a scenario requires determination of the value of an asset or a business process at risk and
the potential threats and vulnerabilities that could cause loss. The risk scenario should be
assessed for relevance and realism, and then entered into the risk register if found to be relevant.
In practice following steps are involved in risk scenario development:
First determine manageable set of scenarios, which include:
Frequently occurring scenarios in the industry or product area.
Scenarios representing threat sources that are increasing in count or severity level.
Scenarios involving legal and regulatory requirements applicable to the business.
After determining manageable risk scenarios, perform a validation against the business objectives
of the entity.
Based on this validation, refine the selected scenarios and then detail them to a level in line with
the criticality of the entity.
Lower down the number of scenarios to a manageable set. Manageable does not signify a fixed
number, but should be in line with the overall importance and criticality of the unit.
Risk factors kept in a register so that they can be reevaluated in the next iteration and included for
detailed analysis if they have become relevant at that time.
Risk factors kept in a register so that they can be reevaluated in the next iteration and included for
detailed analysis if they have become relevant at that time.
Include an unspecified event in the scenarios, that is, address an incident not covered by other
Answer A is incorrect. Cause-and-effect analysis is a predictive or diagnostic analytical tool used
to explore the root causes or factors that contribute to positive or negative effects or outcomes. It
is used during the process of exposing risk factors.

NO.2 You work as the project manager for Bluewell Inc. Your project has several risks that will affect
several stakeholder requirements. Which project management plan will define who will be available
to share information on the project risks?
A. Stakeholder management strategy
B. Resource Management Plan
C. Risk Management Plan
D. Communications Management Plan
Answer: D

CRISC 書籍   
The Communications Management Plan defines, in regard to risk management, who will be available
to share information on risks and responses throughout the project. The Communications
Management Plan aims to define the communication necessities for the project and how the
information will be circulated. The Communications Management Plan sets
the communication structure for the project. This structure provides guidance forcommunication
throughout the project's life and is updated as communication needs change. The Communication
Managements Plan identifies and defines the roles of persons concerned with the project. It
includes a matrix known as the communication matrix to map the communication requirements of
the project.
Answer C is incorrect. The stakeholder management strategy does not address risk
Answer B is incorrect. The Risk Management Plan defines risk identification, analysis, response,
and monitoring.
Answer A is incorrect. The Resource Management Plan does not define risk communications.

NO.3 Which of the following BEST describes the utility of a risk?
A. The potential opportunity of the risk
B. The usefulness of the risk to individuals or groups
C. The mechanics of how a risk works
D. The finance incentive behind the risk
Answer: B

CRISC 返済   CRISC 合格記   
The utility of the risk describes the usefulness of a particular risk to an individual. Moreover, the
same risk can be utilized by two individuals in different ways. Financial outcomes are one of the
methods for measuring potential value for taking a risk. For example, if the individual's economic
wealth increases, the potential utility of the risk will decrease.
Answer C is incorrect. It is not the valid definition.
Answer A is incorrect. Determining financial incentive is one of the method to measure the
potential value for taking a risk, but it is not the valid definition for utility of risk.
Answer B is incorrect. It is not the valid definition.

NO.4 You are the risk official in Bluewell Inc. You are supposed to prioritize several risks. A risk has a
rating for occurrence, severity, and detection as 4, 5, and 6, respectively. What Risk Priority Number
(RPN) you would give to it?
A. 15
B. 120
C. 100
D. 30
E. Explanation:
Steps involving in calculating risk priority number are as follows: Identify potential failure effects
Identify potential causes Establish links between each identified potential cause Identify potential
failure modes Assess severity, occurrence and detection Perform score assessments by using a scale
of 1 -10 (low to high rating) to score these assessments. Compute the RPN for a particular failure
mode as Severity multiplied by occurrence and detection. RPN = Severity * Occurrence * Detection
Hence, RPN = 4 * 5 * 6 = 120
Answer: B

CRISC 勉強法   
D, and B are incorrect. These are not RPN for given values of severity, occurrence, and detection.

ShikenPASSは最新のPEGACSA72V1試験問題集と高品質の300-175認定試験の問題と回答を提供します。ShikenPASSの200-125 VCEテストエンジンと70-776試験ガイドはあなたが一回で試験に合格するのを助けることができます。高品質の70-334トレーニング教材は、あなたがより迅速かつ簡単に試験に合格することを100%保証します。試験に合格して認証資格を取るのはそのような簡単なことです。
