“Passage from North to South” | 美術作家 肥沼義幸の制作日記

“Passage from North to South”

美術作家 肥沼義幸の制作日記















 美術作家 肥沼義幸の制作日記

We have the pleasure of inviting you to the

Opening of “Passage from North to South”.

Work in progress 1#

    4th November, Sunday at 2:30 pm

           in Werklicht Expose

        Putsebocht 78b –Rotterdam

    Open every Sunday from 3pm to 5 pm

           or by appointment

On November 4th the first of a series of four

exhibitions will be held at Werklicht Exposé.

This exhibition has been curated by Wilma Kun

with the work of

Belle van Dijk (NL),Marianne Fontein (NL) and

Yoshiyuki Koinuma (JP).

The focus of this project is to explore the

comparison of different points of technical,

geographical, and demographic views of

the invited artists.

The selected artists have in common that they

all live in Rotterdam (North / South) or have

been guest artists at various art foundations

in Rotterdam.

Space Werklicht Exposé is located in a house

that will soon be demolished in the district of

Feijenoord. This is a neighborhood where

the socio-cultural contrasts are large.

Therefore the subject of attention of many

artists and cultural organizations is to create

a bridge or Passage between art / culture and

the local population.The term " Passage" is

used to characterize the city of Rotterdam as

both a place and a throughfare.

Rotterdam: a city marked by a constant flow

of goods, people, and nationalities passing 

through but sometimes also staying; a city

geared to experimentation and a continuous

flow of creating and recreating itself…. a city

built on a river, with bridges, but also with

riverbanks dividing North from South.

The exchange that is generated through

the "Passage", this diaphragm "between"

the place and the people, is the subject of

this exhibition.

The technical concepts of the invited artists

are completely different, yet their common

concern with the place unites the and restores

a shared vision of reality. This becomes

a way of metaphorically reflecting on

the city of Rotterdam.

Finissage :

25th November Sunday at 2:30pm

More informations:

Theaterwerkplaats Werklicht

