How to fight fascists and terrorists? | 地球平和研究所



 Fascists and terrorists get powers by superweapons.  Fascists support terrorists.
 It is necessary to perform next to fight fascists and terrorists.
 PLS collect superweapons in your workplace and home ASAP!
We had collected superweapons. We can deliver superweapons. PLS survey collected superweapons.
PLS know top secrets, strategies, plots, tricks, frauds of the fascists.  .
PLS make a strategy in conflict with fascists.
PLS illegalize superweapons.
PLS survey Komazawa!
PLS discharge spies.
 Fascists support terrorists. Fascists increase wars, terrorism, crimes and fights to get money.
 Fascists turn worse in the world.
Spies guide to wars, fights, etc.
 Please aim at the peace. Please cooperate. The Sustainable Development is enabled by cooperation.
 World is getting worse day by day in the 21st century. Fascists make  aggravation to get benefits. Fascists develop in order to intensify crises, such as nuclear weapon, superweapons, resources, energy, food, population, environment, economy, finances, finance, terrorism, crime, illness, poison, and technical reckless run. Fascists are worsening the world using superweapons and other technology.
 Fascists destroy the present world system and aim at the realization of the fourth empire. So fascists increase traps, frauds, speculations and rigged bankruptcy for collapse of the world financial system.
 The world improve if you disclose superweapons and fascists. The world turns worse more if you leave superweapons and  fascists.
 In Japan fascists invite excellent persons since 20th century. So fascists invite Hashimoto many times. Hashimoto refused invitations. So Hashimoto can inform top-secrets, plots, operations, lists, evidencies, crimes, etc of fascists. You can arrest fascists if you meet Hashimoto. You can collect superweapons if you meet Hashimoto.
 As you know,   fascists murdered a majority, and fascists took a large amount of property in World War II, . Fascists lost World War II in 1945. They lay latent from 1945. They used available things in anything.
 Latent fascists continued increasing secret fascists. Secret fascists criticize fascism. But secret fascists cooperate with fascists in the back. Fascists rule back world.
 Fascists increase wars, civil wars, riots, terrorism, crimes.Fascists increase spies in every workplace. Spies coax Top. The spy lets Top fail.
 Fascists develop, produce and sell superweapons under cover. Fascists attack good person by superweapons. Therefore sick person increase.
 Fascists speculated it for the fund which they took and increased it. Fascist spies coaxed the government, banks, brokerage firms and others of the countries. Therefore debts increased in the countries. In the countries, economy turned worse.
 Fascists spies blew up a bubble and sold shares at profits and gained. Then a bubble exploded, and most suffered loss.
 Fascist spies developed financial products and gained. However, caught people suffered loss.
 Spies call fraud people from Japan.
 All of you have met fraud people to slander Hashimoto. Fraud people who slandering Hashimoto are fascists. Fascists tell lies.
 In the countries, fascist spies slander good candidates to slander Hashimoto. In 2016, fascist spies aim to win in much election.  Fascists aim to increase puppet governments of fascists.
 In 2016,  fascist spies aim to win in many election by frauds and superweapons.