Hotel Exterior Image

テネシー州ガットリンバーグの中心部に位置するリバー テラス リゾート アンド コンベンション センターは、快適さ、利便性、自然の美しさを求める旅行者にとって理想的なリトリートです。リトルピジョン川のほとりに位置し、ガットリンバーグの活気ある市街地から離れて静けさを楽しむことができます。このホテルからは、周囲の美しい風景を楽しむことができ、ガットリンバーグでの思い出に残る滞在を約束します。

リバー テラス リゾート アンド コンベンション センター
River Terrace Resort and Convention Center

リバー テラス リゾート アンド コンベンション センターは、ガットリンバーグの魅力的な観光地に簡単にアクセスできる絶好の立地にあります。大自然の美しさを誇るグレートスモーキー山脈国立公園やオーバーガットリンバーグスキーエリアとアミューズメントパークもすぐ近くにあります。その他にも、クリスト・イン・ザ・スモーキーズ博物館やスモーキーマウンテンワイナリーなど、多くのアトラクションが徒歩圏内にあり、観光やリラックスタイムを楽しむことができます。

チェックイン開始時間 - 04:00 PM
チェックアウト最終時間 - 10:00 AM

240 River Road, ガトリンバーグ, ガットリンバーグ(TN), アメリカ合衆国, 37738









リバー テラス リゾート アンド コンベンション センターは、その素晴らしいスタッフと立地の良さで高く評価されています。フレンドリーで親切なスタッフは、訪れる全てのゲストに心温まるサービスを提供しており、多くの口コミでその卓越したホスピタリティが称賛されています。また、ホテルの位置はガットリンバーグの観光スポットにアクセスが良く、自然と都市の両方を楽しめる理想的な拠点として、多くの旅行者に支持されています。



Activity 1

フィリピン ボラカイ島 サンセット ボート / ヨット クルーズ 混乗ツアー予約 海に沈む美しい夕日を鑑賞(フィリピン・クルージング)

Activity 2


Great Location for access to Gatlinburg tourist scene!
Score 8.4
Ok, so this was our first trip to Gatlinburg, where we were staying for an extended time. So, I researched and looked at what seemed like a million different hotels and resorts. I settled on River Terrace because of the pricing I found through a third-party booking site and the location in Gatlinburg. We were not disappointed in its location. The resort itself sits just across the stream to the main strip of the tourist part of Gatlinburg. There are several buildings for River Terrace Resort. We were within walking distance to pretty much everything we wanted to go to on our trip. Which was great, because if you have ever driven down there, it can be a nightmare. The rooms themselves are nothing special. The one we had was very conveniently located in the main building so we could be at the main strip in a matter of minutes after leaving our room. The room was clean and very comfortable. I apologize. The pictures I took were on the day we were leaving, so the bed is not freshly made. There is no daily housekeeping, so you need to contact the front desk if you need anything. Everyone at the front desk was super helpful and friendly every interaction I had with them. I would definitely stay here again because of the location to everything. If you're lucky, you might catch a glimpse if the blue heron that must live nearby, we saw him almost every day!
Score 8.0
First, let me start by saying that, in my 64 years of traveling all over the U.S. and the world, the staff !at this hotel were unquestionably the best I've ever seen anywhere! During my 6-night stay I interacted with Jared, Ginger, Donna, Aspenn, and Kristen, and all were absolutely top-notch! Management: Give these folks a raise or a bonus or something! Also, I do want to emphasize the good things about this hotel: excellent location and comfortable rooms with fireplaces. But there were also quite a few negatives that any future traveler needs to be aware of before they show up here. 1) The hotel restaurant was closed down. Yes, there are plenty of good places to eat within walking distance out in town, but it would have been nice if the hotel restaurant had also been open, especially for breakfast. 2) Leaky plumbing (sink and toilet). 3) Very noisy plumbing (the sound of water rushing through pipes every minute for 10 seconds, 24/7). 4) Loud AC/heater unit. 5) And most of all ... the noise coming from the adjoining rooms was unbearable. We could hear every word of every conversation, not to mention dogs barking and unknown thumping noises. We had to call the front desk 6 times to ask neighbors to stay quiet, even after 11:30pm at night. In a nutshell, although the rooms were decent and the staff were excellent, we could not get any rest the entire week we stayed here. If you're coming to party or whoop it up, the place is great. But if you're coming to get some rest and relaxation, better find somewhere quieter.




✔ 一人旅の方から高評価
✔ アクティビティがおすすめ
✔ 「お部屋の快適さ/クオリティ」で高評価
✔ 24時間フロント対応
✔ ジェットバス


