Hotel Exterior Image

パナマシティビーチは、白い砂浜と透き通ったターコイズブルーの海が特徴の美しい観光地です。数多くのレジャーアクティビティや素晴らしいレストランが揃っており、訪れる人々にとって理想的な休暇先です。ここに位置するビーチコマー ビーチフロント ホテル、バイ ザ シー リゾートでは、夢のようなビーチバケーションが待っています。

ビーチコマー ビーチフロント ホテル、バイ ザ シー リゾート
Beachcomber Beachfront Hotel, a By The Sea Resort

ビーチコマー ビーチフロント ホテルは、パナマシティビーチの中心に位置し、観光やショッピングを楽しむのに最適な立地です。ホテルのすぐ近くには、M.B. Miller County PierやHombre Golf Club、Signal Hill Golf Courseなど、人気のアトラクションが多数あります。また、地元のワイナリーやミニゴルフを楽しめる施設も近隣にあり、様々な楽しみ方ができます。


17101 Front Beach Road, パナマ シティ ビーチ, パナマシティ(FL), アメリカ合衆国, 32413





ビーチコマー ビーチフロント ホテルには、さまざまな部屋タイプがあり、ゲストのニーズと好みに合わせて選べます。どの部屋も豪華で快適さを追求しており、美しい海の景色を楽しむことができます。Accessible 1 King Suiteは広々とした部屋で、プライベートジャグジーが魅力のOcean Suite with Jacuzziもあります。家族や友人と一緒に宿泊するなら、二重ベッドやソファーベッドが備わったOcean View Suiteが最適です。各部屋には最新のアメニティが揃っており、贅沢と便利さを兼ね備えています。


ビーチコマー ビーチフロント ホテルでは、魅力的なダイニング体験が待っています。宿泊には豊富で美味しいコンチネンタルブレックファストが含まれており、焼き立てのペストリーや新鮮なフルーツを楽しむことができます。また、ホテル内のレストランでは、新鮮なシーフードやグリルミート、ベジタリアン料理など、地元の食材を活かした食事をご堪能いただけます。どの一品も丁寧に調理され、美しいビーチの景色を眺めながら楽しめるので、素晴らしい食事のひとときを過ごせます。



ビーチコマー ビーチフロント ホテルは、その優れた立地とフレンドリーなスタッフで高評価を受けています。ゲストは美しいビーチの景色を楽しみながら、温かいおもてなしを受けることができます。スタッフの対応も素晴らしく、滞在が快適で楽しいものになるよう努力しています。リーズナブルな料金と豊富な設備が揃っており、訪れるすべてのゲストにとって価値ある滞在を提供しています。



Activity 1

フィリピン ボラカイ島 サンセット ボート / ヨット クルーズ 混乗ツアー予約 海に沈む美しい夕日を鑑賞(フィリピン・クルージング)

Activity 2


Not recommended!
Score 6.0
Our check in time was supposed to be at 4:00cst. Upon arriving at 1:30 cst, we asked about early check in. We were told they would not be able to accomodate us until 3-3:30 at the earliest. We understood, that was just part of arriving early. We were able to change clothes and go down to the beach and pool area. At 4:00 we went to check in and then was told we would not be able to get our keys yet because our rooms were not ready. I had booked 2 rooms under my name and there were 3 other families traveling with us that each had their own rooms. None of the 5 rooms were ready at 4:00 as our agreement states. When asked why they were not ready we were told "we are short staffed with cleaning staff and due to a higher than normal late check out requests." This was Spring Break week and I was confused as to why they would allow any late check outs especially due to already being short staffed to get the rooms cleaned in a timely manner. Our rooms were available about 5:30pm but the other 3 rooms were not available until 6:30pm. All of us were finally in our rooms and able to unpack at 7:00pm. Some of us lost 3 hours of time on our first night due to this inconvenience. We asked to speak to the manager upon checking in and was refused because she was not on location at that time. We tried a couple of times throughout our stay to speak with Sherry but were always given the runaround. Finally upon checking out, one of the others did get to speak to Sherry and she told him that she would credit us all for our inconvenience and was very apologetic. Upon arriving back home, we contacted Sherry to verify that the credit would be taken care of and she assured us it would be. "All 5 rooms would receive a credit of one night and it could take up to 10 business days to receive it." Here we are almost 2 weeks later and still nothing. I am very dissapointed in the situation but even more so that we were lied to. If you do not have the staff to accomodate cleaning rooms to have them available at the promised check in time of 4:00, do NOT allow people to check out late! Also, side note, one of the 2 elevators was constantly out of service daily. It would go out of service and then be repaired and work again until the next day. At one point, both elevators were out of service on our last day there.
Do NOT recommend!
Score 5.6
Our check in time was supposed to be at 4:00cst. Upon arriving at 1:30 cst, we asked about early check in. We were told they would not be able to accomodate us until 3-3:30 at the earliest. We understood, that was just part of arriving early. We were able to change clothes and go down to the beach and pool area. At 4:00 we went to check in and then was told we would not be able to get our keys yet because our rooms were not ready. I had booked 2 rooms under my name and there were 3 other families traveling with us that each had their own rooms. None of the 5 rooms were ready at 4:00 as our agreement states. When asked why they were not ready we were told "we are short staffed with cleaning staff and due to a higher than normal late check out requests." This was Spring Break week and I was confused as to why they would allow any late check outs especially due to already being short staffed to get the rooms cleaned in a timely manner. Our rooms were available about 5:30pm but the other 3 rooms were not available until 6:30pm. All of us were finally in our rooms and able to unpack at 7:00pm. Some of us lost 3 hours of time on our first night due to this inconvenience. We asked to speak to the manager upon checking in and was refused because she was not on location at that time. We tried a couple of times throughout our stay to speak with Sherry but were always given the runaround. Finally upon checking out, one of the others did get to speak to Sherry and she told him that she would credit us all for our inconvenience and was very apologetic. Upon arriving back home, we contacted Sherry to verify that the credit would be taken care of and she assured us it would be. "All 5 rooms would receive a credit of one night and it could take up to 10 business days to receive it." Here we are almost 2 weeks later and still nothing. I am very dissapointed in the situation but even more so that we were lied to. If you do not have the staff to accomodate cleaning rooms to have them available at the promised check in time of 4:00, do NOT allow people to check out late! Also, side note, one of the 2 elevators was constantly out of service daily. It would go out of service and then be repaired and work again until the next day. At one point, both elevators were out of service on our last day there.




✔ アクティビティがおすすめ
✔ ビーチから80 m
✔ コーヒーショップ


