
I saw an impressive news on TV at a dental clinic the other day.



It’s a story about the Buddhism priest who lives in Oita prefecture and introducing Muslimism to Japanese and help them to understand Muslimism correctly.



Many Japnese think Muslimism is scary or dangerous. or in the worst case, some people even believe that all Muslims are equal to terrorists.



This kind of offensively blatant misunderstanding is not only for Japanese.


↓↓↓下の動画は4年前のものだけど、その中でもアメリカのFOX Newsのパーソナリティー が「イスラム教徒が全員テロリストだとは言わないが、テロリストは皆イスラム教徒だ」と言って、この動画のホストIlonaさんの怒りを買っています。

In this YouTube video below, a personality of Fox News said," Not all Muslims are terrorists but all terrorists are Muslims" and it outraged Ilona, the host of this video.




In this video, Ilona said, "This kind of idiocy makes our world more dangerous because it's contageous. They plant those seeds of hate."





The truth is, I quoted from the article above, 94% of terrorist attacks carried out in the United States from 1980 to 2005 have been done by non-Muslims, according to FBI. Though there have been over one thousand terrorist attacks in Europe in the past five years, the terrorist attacks carried out by Muslims are  less than 2%.



Because I was so impressed by the Buddhism priest who were on TV, I looked up the priest on the Internet. I found the YouTube video in which the priest was talking about Muslims entitled "Muslimism in the Buddhism temple". His name is 自覚大道(Jikaku Taidou- I'm not sure about the pronunciation). I became an admirer of his.




If Muslims themselves try to ask Japanese to understand Muslimism correctly or say that average Muslims are not dangerous, most Japanese people take no heed of what they are saying.  However, if it's a Japanese person and moreover Buddhism priest that is going to talk something about Muslimism, Japanese people must be interested and will listen to him.




The behavior that the Buddism priest shows us to respect other religions is more meaningful and laudable than we ordinary people do the same thing.

There's the reasonable comment of Ilona who is in the YouTube video. The reverse is also true. "This kind of admirable behavior makes our world better  because it's contageous. He plants those seeds of respect and tolerance."