How to Cope with Low Testosterone


Testosterone levels increase by early adulthood and fall as you age by about 1-2% a year. 

If you have low testosterone in the 20s, then you may need to pay more attention to it. 

As men attain their 50s and beyond, this may oversee signs and indications, such as impotence or alterations in sexual preference and anxiety.

While declining testosterone levels are a natural part of ageing, certain situations can hasten the decrease.

Dangers of low testosterone include:

  • Injury or infection,
  • chemotherapy or radiation therapy for cancer,
  • medicines, particularly hormones used to treat prostate cancer and corticosteroid pills,
  • chronic disorder

A man's health also influences his testosterone levels.

For example, being overweight, having diabetes or thyroid issues, and taking specific medications, such as glucocorticoids and other steroids, can influence the levels.

But there are natural ways to increase testosterone as well. So, can push up increase testosterone?

You’ll get the answer in this blog. 

So, have you been searching for an answer to the question: how to increase testosterone? We guess you're at the right place then. Read on to reveal the secrets. 

Testosterone Therapy for Low Levels

In most cases, men require to have both low levels of testosterone in their blood and various symptoms of low testosterone to consider medication.

However, it’s possible to have low levels and not suffer any symptoms. 

However, if you do not have any key indications, particularly fatigue and sexual dysfunction, which are the most widespread, it’s not approved for you to go on the treatment given the suspicion about the long-term safety.

Even if your t-levels are poor and you have indications, testosterone therapy is not always the advisable action. 

If your doctor can recognize the source for decreasing levels, for example, weight gain or special medication, he or she may be able to address that difficulty.

How to Boost Testosterone Levels?

The study has indicated that resistance workout, such as lifting weights, is related to increases in the testosterone levels. 

Still, those boosts are typically much higher in younger men as compared to older men and don’t occur to greatly boost the overall level of testosterone.

Most workouts, especially cardiovascular exercise, can cause loss of weight, which can enable you to increase levels of testosterone.  

As a result, questions like do push ups boost testosterone and does push ups increase testosterone are bound to surface. We address these questions in the next segment. 

Natural Testosterone Increase

Few types of herbal supplements are testosterone promoters. 

The manufacturers of these products claim that the ingredients help to boost levels of testosterone.

Nonetheless, there isn’t sufficient research to back that up. Besides, these products are not approved by any medical authority.  

You may discover there are more realistic steps that may enable you to increase your testosterone level when you go the natural route.

Exercises That Increase Testosterone

#1. Weightlifting

We recommend performing two sets of three to five reps at 95 per cent of your peak exertion, targeting bigger muscle groups, like the quadriceps, hamstrings, back, and chest. 

But don’t dismiss smaller muscle groups, like the biceps, calves, and shoulders altogether. Enhancing your entire body enables you to avoid injury and speed up your metabolism.

#2. High-Intensity Interval Training

High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) has also been exhibited to increase testosterone levels.

 A few studies imply resting for a few seconds between sets has the most benefits.

This variety will not only increase testosterone but will also improve heart health.

#3. Push-Ups

Push up is a great exercise for your body but you may have questions: do push ups increase testosterone?

Study surveys have shown that conducting push-ups can help boost testosterone levels, lessening the risk of osteoporosis. 

Osteoporosis is a medical situation in which the bones become delicate and fragile from loss of tissue, generally as a result of hormonal differences or deficiency of Calcium or Vitamin D.

The Takeaway

Testosterone levels in men fall gradually with age. Still, in some men, these levels can be too poor and have unwanted indications. 

Medication is available. But your specialist needs to substantiate your poor testosterone levels with one or more blood tests.

Your doctor may also do other examinations to enable you to determine what’s affecting your low testosterone.

For females, a testosterone level that's extremely high rather than low is more of a concern. 

Indications of elevated testosterone in women may be an indication of a situation that requires immediate attention.


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