Better stick with one idiot longer | 翻訳なんて...

Better stick with one idiot longer

People in the world say the Japanese are patient, diligent people,
but I see no patience at all in them.
"The lost decade" is a phrase I often hear, but do you know
how the last decade, no, the last two decades were lost?

Now I read the newspaper every morning before my master takes it
to his office (please keep this secret) and it seems to me the paper
always spares much of the space for explaining how idiotic
the prime minister is while every Japanese knows he is.

You always discuss sacking a prime minister without making much
progress in addressing critical issues and then replace him with
another idiot, only to say later "That idiot was better than this idiot!"

Look at Americans. They stick with one president for at least
four years even when they think he is an idiot.
It's time you learned it's better sticking with one idiot than
wasting time in trying countless idiots.
Otherwise, I'm sure you will lose a century.

