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2-7-2The basic laws

⁂∞§∞⭐︎ law of  Seven of Emotions & Minds  Anger⭐︎∞§∞⁂

The continuation of law of  Seven of Emotions & Minds  Joy.

Next is about the emotion of ‘Anger’.

‘Anger’ hurts liver.

People feel anger when something they have imagined what they wish doesn’t come true.

There are two kinds of ‘Anger’, ‘Righteous indignation’ and ‘Personal grudge’.

‘Righteous indignation’ is that emotion of ‘Anger’ when they step boldly into action for righteousness.

(Ref: 【3-14】About Panic disorder).

‘Personal grudge’ is that anger of their own desire.

This anger is that you feel anger when you want to have your own way and you force someone who doesn’t obey to do.

In other words, ‘Righteous indignation’ is  the image of what to be proceed for rightness with courage and endurance.

The mechanism is as following;

  1. A sensitive soul(image) commands a rough soul(courage).
  2. It occurs an expression of the divine soul.
  3. HP is fulfilled in the brain and good adrenaline goes out.
  4. HP in the brain will spread all over the body though the nerve system.
  5. Prana current will be getting bigger and stronger.
  6. Muscles will be pumped up.

However, in the case of ‘Personal grudge’ , it doesn’t happen like above.

Because ‘Personal grudge’ is to feel anger in order to fulfill self desires, the mechanism is as following;

  1. An image in the brain is directly connected with the hell spiritual world.
  2. Miasma in the hell spiritual world will be flowing into the brain.
  3. This miasma of ‘Personal grudge’ will break down HP filled in the brain perfectly.
  4. Thereby it will make self lose mind.
  5. It will make self get furious more and more as if a mad person.
  6. It won’t be able to send energy of HP to the liver from the brain.
  7. Conversely, energy of HP stored in the    liver will flow backwards to the brain temporarily in order to return to normal for activities of the brain.

Therefore, ‘Personal grudge’ hurts the liver very much.

Because ‘Righteous indignation’ is is an expression of the divine soul depending on heart of righteousness, an image in the brain is directly connected with either the heaven spiritual world or the divine world.

That’s why the divine energy in either the heaven world or the divine world flows into the brain very much.

Therefore, HP in the brain isn’t neither disturbed nor broken, on the contrary, it increases resulting in good adrenaline can go out.

Thereby, energy of HP can spread all over the body without hurting the liver.

The reason why you are out breath soon and  you will no energy if you fight with ‘Personal grudge’ not  ‘Righteous indignation’ is for that.

This is the mechanism that the emotion of ‘Anger’ hurts liver.

The emotion of ‘Anger’  resembles the emotion of ‘Joy’.

In the case of ‘Joy’, 

a sensitive soul(image) ➡︎a happy soul(affection) and a harmony soul(friendship).

In the case of ‘Anger’, 

a sensitive soul(image) ➡︎ a rough soul(courage).

We see that Both ‘Anger’ and ‘Joy’ are the same mechanism except for above points.

(Ref:【2-4】law of the four souls inside a spirit).


Suppl 1.

What hurts liver is not only the emotion of ‘Anger’ but also Erotic-toxin.

(Ref: 【3-5-1】Sick by Erotic-toxin).


Suppl 2.

 About one who belongs to either the hell spiritual layer or the middle spiritual layer.

What weak people feel emotions such as bitterness, hatred, blame and jealousy against strong people whom weak people don’t win absolutely, these emotions are called ‘Ressentiment’.

‘Ressentiment’ belongs to the emotion of ‘Personal grudge’.

There are many ordinary people who are subject to influence of ‘Ressentiment’ which they feel always.

These bad thoughts can be cause of disease of the target, and also it undermines internal organs yourself.

(Ref: 【3-2】The reason why getting sick).

‘Schadenfreude’ and  ‘Ressentiment’ are closely related.

(What’s ‘Schadenfreude’? 

➡︎【2-7-1】law of Seven of Emotions & Minds ① 〜Joy〜).

For example, suppose Mr.A always feels jealousy Mr.B inwardly, it means that Mr.A always have the emotion which belongs to ‘Ressentiment’.

One day, if it happens that Mr.B makes a mistake at work, it makes Mr.A feels ‘Schadenfreude’ for that thing.

In this way, every days, ordinary people are always swayed by both ‘Ressentiment’ and ‘Schadenfreude’ without realizing it self until death.

It makes humanity get older, get sick and die unless we realize these bad thoughts and overcome it.

(Ref: 【6-7】The reason why aged body).

If one had no bad thoughts and no bad fixed ideas and the one always had a heart like god,  it would be no aging, able to keep aliving while thousands years, to not need even sleep and eating.

(Ref: 【4-1】Static DHST〜sleep〜).


Continue to next article at  【2-7-3】law of Seven of Emotions & Minds ③ 〜Sorrow〜.
