The origin of the nightmare?( ̄ー ̄) | 人生はたまたまヂェンティエンマオ


このブログはすべて事実に基づき、公益のため社会正義実現のため書いています。( ̄^ ̄)
が気ままに思いついたことも書いてます。( ̄ー ̄)

Does Prime  Abe get along well with Trump  for stupid part mass communication?😔

Does the business become good? 😔

TO or the one which is being talked about?
The tribe who was saying that there was no birth of a president of Trump  can hardly trust. And the person who applied president birth of Trump ? 😔ボクシング筋肉ショボーン
The Trump  in which only moneymaking is probably not interested, national defense, in Pentagon, lump sum subcontract?チュー札束 James who has a nickname of a mad dog in the Secretary of Defense and Matisse former central sardar "Marine Corps don't know the character of "defeat"." such as, the remark by which "by shooting a person, fun" "The war is fascinating to hopelessness." "They're civil, be a professional. But the person who came go to kill everything, and stay here." etc. in addition to a very bullish remark is the past. Is it certain? チューショボーン筋肉ボクシングプンプン🔫💣👿
It's in cry to  sun in the Japanese TV drama . ラブ?
If man can shoot now man calmly, it's an end!
The boss But was it being talked about?
The United States opened Pandora's box at last. ショボーン?
With Pandora's box? 󾔐 おばけプレゼント??😓
You told never to open good-looking daughter pandora from God  Zeus,󾔐.
But? 😝
You can't win the curious feeling, and it opens.びっくり
The one which brings a trouble to people rushes to a pestilence and a crime from the inside󾬄,󾬄. Many people are worried. Pandora󾌺 which sees and laments that,󾌺.
But󾬄 by which one something was still left in a box󾬄.?プレゼント😲

That? 🙎

Hope 💖 🌈 🔔 🌟 おねがい