





( ハイデルベルク大学病院からのメール) ※ 翻訳は、グーグル翻訳 


We have to inform you that due to the current development of the Covid-19 pandemic situation, our Covid-19-Task-Force decided that appointments for elective treatments of international patients cannot be made until further notice. 




Due to the necessary commitment of additional medical resources for purposes of SARS-CoV-2/COVID-19-prevention, we can’t fix any appointments for winter / spring 2022. 


SARS-CoV-2 / COVID-19-予防の目的で追加の医療リソースの必要なコミットメントのため、冬、2022年の春の予定を修正することはできません。 


You can still send us your treatment inquiry online through the inquiry form on our website. During the lockdown, however, incoming inquiries will not be processed. 




We will also inform you on our website as soon as inquiries will be processed again and appointments can be scheduled: https://www.heidelberg-university-hospital.com/de/internationale-behandlungsanfrage 


また、お問い合わせが再度処理され、予約が可能になり次第、当社のWebサイトでお知らせします  https://www.heidelberg-university-hospital.com/de/internationale-behandlungsanfrage 


Please note: As of November 29, an absolute ban on visitors and accompanying persons applies at Heidelberg University Hospital. 




The exact regulations and exceptions (for example UKHD certified interpreters for interpretation of required patient-physician/nurse consultations) can be found here: https://www.klinikum.uni-heidelberg.de/themenseite-coronavirus 




Please understand that these are necessary precautions for SARS-CoV-2/COVID-19-prevention. 


これらはSARS-CoV-2 / COVID-19-予防のために必要な予防策であることを理解してください。 




※ 現在、ドセタキセル併用ニボルマブ治験の治療効果が出ており、当面治験中止にはならないと思いますが、コロナ情勢が早く改善してほしいと思います。