Two things I thought through out Orlamdo Fringe | やる気マンマン男・清水宏のブログ~炎の演劇部部長が行く!!
'Two things I found though this Orlando Fringe'
Through my first vicit and trial for this Orlando International Fringe Theatre Festival,
I though out two things.
One is,
there's the degnity thinking like "Every person should be respected in one's Character and thinking",
which I could see in every moment in each performance, in each greeting between the performers, stuffs or volunteers.
That impressed me and touched me very much.
However in other places in America or in the world things might not be easy,
here in Orlando, I certainly can be in a very fair and beautiful place like an oasis in the desert.
I really respect it.
and on the other hand,
I really liked Orlando ordinally people to come to my show or other show acted by other coutries' performers.
Actually fewer just came to international artists.
That is reasonable, off course, I think local artists should be got interested in by local people not only in Orlando but also in Japan or in any other countries.
But Orlando majority people, you would rather try to come to see unknown and different things, too, and then,
You will be able to find something you couldn't have seen and felt.
That's ' Fringe ' way in that i expect !
Thank you, see you and I love you Orlando Fringe!