Hello, everyone. This is Hiromi at SAP Japan.



I held the “Assembly of warm-hearted people” on June 8th , 2017. It was a social gathering, in which I invited warm-hearted customers who gave me the chance to meet when I cold-called them as an inside sales representative.





This time, I would like to hold this “Assembly of warm-hearted people” online with an interview-style format with our customers.



The biggest gratitude I have for working at SAP is the fact that there are plenty of opportunities to meet some of the greatest people. What I mean by “great” is those who have been through a lot, struggled, and after tons of tears, live with the most beautiful, warm, and generous hearts. Those who are always energetic and loved by the people around them.



I have also been through a lot for work, relationships, family, and so on, while having failed abysmally.



I can’t say anything over the top, but one thing I can say is that I lived these thirty years with heart and soul. Whenever I came to the edge of hopelessness, like “my life is done, it has really come to an end” situations, these people saved my heart and gave me a supportive push. This network I have built up at SAP is my lifelong treasure.



I came up with the idea of writing blogs because I thought there are many people who are facing challenges and are feeling desperate, as I often do. I thought if I could share those valuable advice I got from my people, it would make a good impact for them.



I will ask philosophical questions about the lives of these great people who are around me in and outside of Japan. There are many chances to ask about their jobs, but not about their personal values and lives. I also thought, these are questions only I could ask. (As I have a pretty tough skin)



At the same time, since I belong to SAP, I will ask about their relationships with SAP as well. It is said that SAP projects are one of the biggest projects that business people experience. So I would like to ask what they were thinking when they made such big decisions and how it influenced their business lives.



It is my biggest happiness if this blog provide food for thought to readers’ minds. Especially if this becomes an encouragement for those who are in the same age group as mine, I am really really happy.



I truly appreciate my greatest mentors who have the biggest hearts and are willing to be interviewed voluntarily with their good will. Thanks to you all, I am who I am here now. I want to keep growing to be able to repay their kindness at SAP.




※The opinions expressed in this article are the interviewer’s or interviewees’ own and do not reflect the view of any organizations they belong to.