Once upon a time, there was a fruit and vegetable shop's owner in a certain place. He got his vegetables from fair trade. He had a wife and three children. He opened a vegetable juice shop on the second floor of his house, expecting that he would not be able to make a living as a greengrocer alone. The business prospered and the household was established. he talked to interviewers with his prefecture like this. "Vegetables are the blessings of the earth. The life of vegetables came from the gods. I want to carefully nurture this life that I have been blessed with." His wife talked to them like this."I would be happy if I could put a smile on everyone's face. Prices have risen more than usual, but I've come up with a settlement plan to create a juice shop with slow moving item.It's still delicious and popular." It was a wonderful relationship. They expanded the store, renewed it, and had further ambitions. They left nice words. “Yaoya's shop is with love. The delicious foLevered thing is to feel the excitement of life from the blessings of the earth. Vegetables are an irreplaceable asset for producers. Those who sell it have a mission and a responsibility.” They had a mass of desires, but they continued to fulfill their dreams and goals. It was all for the children. They had great life planning.
