Since the EOS Main-net has launched, there have been big and small issues, but they are gradually stabilizing.


Let's have a look at some of the Main-net accounts that are complicated and not clearly understood.






            What is EOS MainNet?


On the EOS main net, the account information is represented by a string of 12 digits (lower case letters, numbers from 1 to 5, start only in English), and other OWNER and ACTIVE keys are used as proof of eligibility for 

this account, and it is a kind of encryption key.

Therefore, the transfer of Token in EOS account can confirm deposit and withdrawal information only by knowing EOS 12-digit account name, and it is easy to check transactions by EOS account name. (See the various services in Appendix for transaction confirmation)


The transactions such as deposit and withdrawal, transaction creation and action on various EOS Main-net are basically authenticated by OWNER KEY and ACTIVE KEY of two levels linked with EOS account. These keys, when creating the initial account, will have the same default settings.

If one creates an EOS account by default, the account will 

have the following configuration:


Example: Example of EOS account information

Account Name: abcdefgh1234

OWNER key pair:

Private Key: 5JjfWPH9x3u31u31ZWmz88RXCd62DQYGNxbV3xgX7Xhq5GGiU9u

Public Key: EOS8GpfengNRsBC43wfU8nTs8FponJKNUL7pEznDiVckqMse2Eeub

ACTIVE key pair:

Private Key: 5JjfWPH9x3u31u31ZWmz88RXCd62DQYGNxbV3xgX7Xhq5GGiU9u

Public Key:EOS8GpfengNRsBC43wfU8nTs8FponJKNUL7pEznDiVckqMse2Eeub


Generally, three kinds of resources are required to create 

accounts on EOS Main-net.


CPU resources

NETWORK resources

RAM resources

These resources must be reflected in your account through 

purchasing or allocating(STAKING) via EOS, which requires an account with EOS. In other words, to issue a new account on EOS main net, an account with EOS must already exist, and account can be newly issued only with having EOS.


An account that has an EOS Token that can issue a new 

EOS account is easily becomes a a Mother Account, which can create a new EOS account through combination of the two allocation methods.

Difference according to resource allocation method

Method of issuing an account by Delegating the resources of Mother account. 

A method of issuing the resources of Mother account by 


Among resource allocation methods, the Mother account can allocate resources to the newly created account through the Delegate of its own (EOS)resources.

In this case, the allocated resources are owned by the 

Mother account, and the Mother account has the default rights, and the rights of the quota are still dependent on the Mother account. 
You can also allocate resources by transferring the resources of the Mother account directly to the newly created account. 
In this case, you have completely independent account resources that are not affected by the Mother account.


Difference according to KEY allocation method

Method to use KEY PAIR of the Mother account in the same way

Method to use a new Key Pair , which is not the Key Pair of the Mother account


When creating a new account, you can use the same key as 

the key of the parent account. In this case, two accounts are 

linked to one Key Pair, and each account can have its own EOS Token as an independent account and can perform a Contract. However, as they have the same key value, each account will prove each transaction with the same key. In this case, you can operate multiple accounts with one key, but if you lose the key, you can lose both accounts. Unlike a Mother account, when a new account is created with a newly created key pair, the new account operates as an account with an independent authentication scheme, that does not share the authentication key with the Mother account.


EOS account creation can be done by combining two methods as described above, one can open and use it according to one’s need.