Hello Everyone, this is Chris Kim from the HILARIUM FOUNDATION. 


Today, I introduce you a report on the perception, knowledge, purchase intent and possession state of cryptocurrency by Daila Research of Germany.


According to the research, it has a positive view that the cryptocurrency market will get bigger as the current cryptocurrency possession ratio is quite low compared to its recognition. 


<Source: Dalia, "How many people actually own cryptocurrency?”>


With the explosive growth of cryptocurrency in 2017, many people have been showing interest in cryptocurrencies. 

However, it’s not clear how many people actually own cryptocurrency. 

To understand the current status of cryptocurrency, take a look at the findings on the recognition, knowledge, purchase intent and possession of cryptocurrency below.


I am aware of cryptocurrency: 3 out of 4. 
3/4 of all respondents said they know cryptocurrency. 

Compared to few years ago, the spread of awareness is epoch-making.



I know what cryptocurrency is: 50%


As the result below shows, an average of 50% respondents in all 8 countries had some knowledge of cryptocurrency.



Willingness to purchase cryptocurrency among non-owners - 4%

After a sudden rise of media attention and price in 2017, how many people are actually planning to invest in the cryptocurrency?

On average, 4% of respondents who do not have cryptocurrency said they are willing to buy cryptocurrency. 

Due to its high awareness and low buying intention, cryptocurrency has a high potential for future growth.



Largest Cryptocurrency Holding Population: Japan 7% of the respondents said they currently own the cryptocurrency. 
Japan accounted for 11% of the total cryptocurrency holding population, which shows that Japan is leading the cryptocurrency market. 



Difference by Gender and Education Level 
If you’ve ever been in the cryptocurrency/ block-chain community, it wouldn’t be a surprise that males have a higher share in all of the categories above. 

Especially, the gender gap in the knowledge of cryptocurrency was 11% on average.


Furthermore, the higher the level of education, the more cryptocurrency held ( 12% above high school education vs  4% below).
Similar result was shown in the purchase intent and general knowledge (above high-school level 67% vs. below 33%).  



Cryptocurrency market is still in the early stage.

Despite high interest in cryptocurrency, this result seems to be due to the government’s restrictions and skeptical views of the media.

Yet, we can see that as it develops more and gains more optimistic perspectives, cryptocurrency market will grow a lot bigger in the near future.

<SOURCE : Dalia, "How many people actually own cryptocurrency?">