2015年6月19~21日、ベルギー、ブリュッセルの Les Halles という美術館でベルクロ彫刻ワークショップが開催されました。美術館では多くの参加者により新たなベルクロ彫刻が作られました。後程報告をまとめますが、こちらには私が以前作ったベルクロ彫刻の写真を例として置きます。
Velcro Sculpture Workshop was held during SALON DE L’ASTRONAUTIQUE DE PLAISANCE at Les Halles, in Brussels, Belgium June 19-21, 2015. Velcro Sculptures were created by many people at the museum. I will make a report later, but will put some photos of Velcro Sculptures that I made in other times.
展示 Exhibition
サイトでの紹介 Introduction about Velcro Sculpture and My Pieces
2013年2月~3月にかけて、2度目の火星シミュレーション Mars Desert Reserch Station (MDRS) に行っており、無事帰還しました。
Between February-March 2013, I have carried out EuroMoonMars Habitability Project at Mars Mars Desert Reserch Station (MDRS) for the second time and returned safely.

My first MDRS stay was in February 2011, just before the Great East Japan Earthquake. The photo below depicts facilities of MDRS. Left vertical cylinder shaped building is a habitat and a laboratory, and right horizontal cylinder is a green house. The habitat and research facilities are used for the study of the circulation system in a closed environment.

MDRS is located in Utah of the United States. It is surrounded by a desert with a distinguished red clay color which is similar to Martian soil. Dinosaur bones and fossil of shells and trees around that time are also lying around.

Between February-March 2013, I have carried out EuroMoonMars Habitability Project at Mars Mars Desert Reserch Station (MDRS) for the second time and returned safely.

My first MDRS stay was in February 2011, just before the Great East Japan Earthquake. The photo below depicts facilities of MDRS. Left vertical cylinder shaped building is a habitat and a laboratory, and right horizontal cylinder is a green house. The habitat and research facilities are used for the study of the circulation system in a closed environment.

MDRS is located in Utah of the United States. It is surrounded by a desert with a distinguished red clay color which is similar to Martian soil. Dinosaur bones and fossil of shells and trees around that time are also lying around.

February, 10th on Friday, "Space Musical Instruments - Cosmical Seeds" project was very successful as a result even though some of steps needed to be cut as assumed in advance. The team work of JAXA's people was excellent, and artists' side also easily could work flexible.
The NASA astronaut, MSc Daniel C. Burbank operated and played the instruments for about one hour in total, and played with music many times for 15 minutes and improved his skills, beyond the procedure manual.
Additionally, free play was more interesting than prepared procedure to see, and I felt that it was exactly a desk theory, so there were discoveries for artists' side as well.
It will take about three weeks to receive taken video after NASA's screening.
By the way, the High-Vision Camera had broken pixels because of cosmic radiation, and they looked like stars with black background. Then, I felt that it would be possible to become taste as an artistic visual expression.
February, 10th on Friday, "Space Musical Instruments - Cosmical Seeds" project was very successful as a result even though some of steps needed to be cut as assumed in advance. The team work of JAXA's people was excellent, and artists' side also easily could work flexible.
The NASA astronaut, MSc Daniel C. Burbank operated and played the instruments for about one hour in total, and played with music many times for 15 minutes and improved his skills, beyond the procedure manual.
Additionally, free play was more interesting than prepared procedure to see, and I felt that it was exactly a desk theory, so there were discoveries for artists' side as well.
It will take about three weeks to receive taken video after NASA's screening.
By the way, the High-Vision Camera had broken pixels because of cosmic radiation, and they looked like stars with black background. Then, I felt that it would be possible to become taste as an artistic visual expression.
無重力に適した楽器、一対の"宇宙楽器"が、日本宇宙航空研究開発機構(JAXA)の国際宇宙ステーション文化・人文社会科学利用のテーマとして選ばれ、2009年より金属芸術家の根岸創氏とともに製作してきました。2011年10月31日には無事、国際宇宙ステーションへ向けて打上成功。明日、2012年2月10日にNASAの宇宙飛行士、ダニエル C.バーバンクさんによる操作および演奏が実施されます。
Jaakko Saari氏による『Dream Starts』の宇宙楽器スペシャル・エディションと
Cosmical Seeds are a pair of musical instrument suitable for weightlessness and were selected as a theme of Cultural and Artistic Utilization of the Japan's module of the International Space Station (ISS/Kibo) by Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency(JAXA). A metal artist, So Negishi and Ayako Ono developped the musical instruments together since 2009. On October 31st, the instruments were succsessfully launched, and a NASA astronaut, MSc Daniel C. Burbank treats and plays them on February 10th, 2012. Two pieces of music will be background music as a kind of collaboration.
One is the special edition for the instruments, named "Dream Starts" composed by an artist, Jaakko Saari; and another is two mins edition of "Kiyoraka na sora" composed by an acclaimed pianist, Akira Takahashi.
"Space Musical Instruments" were successfully launched to the ISS.
Germany: Nuclear power plants to close by 2022
I'm impressed.
Some other recent news will also be written though I was going to follow the order of events to write.
Germany: Nuclear power plants to close by 2022
I'm impressed.
Some other recent news will also be written though I was going to follow the order of events to write.