Hong Kong Economy : Household Expo a no show | 恩田フランシス英樹 の VelVet Society / Hideki Francis Onda's VelVet Society

Hong Kong Economy : Household Expo a no show



Went to the Household item exhibition in Wanchai and Expo Center today. This is a trade show for household items. As this was the last day, and not much visitors were here, the exhibitors were packing the booth as early as noon today to head home. Much depends on export in these commodities, US and EU being one of the biggest customers. Because these are not essential for everyday life, rather an accompaniment to huge houses and rich living, this show must have taken the blunt of the losses in China's export. China has announced that the Guan Dong fair, held last week say a 30% decline on orders from overseas. Most companies had applied to the show before Lehman shock, and some decided to not show up although they have paid deposit for the booth.

今日はHousehold Itemsの展示会を訪問した。経済不況の中、通常の生活に無関係な贅沢品の展示が多いこの展示会、予想した通り参加者は少なく最終日の今日は昼からブースを畳む出展者の姿も見えた。米国市場をメインマーケットとする製品の数々。ローンで購入した欧米の大型住宅で「ミエ」のために購入されるはずだった品の数々がバイヤー不在の中悲しく展示されていたの品々の数々。先週開かれた広東フェアでの注文出来高は昨年より30%ダウンだと言う。リーマンショック以前に申し込みをしている展示社が大半であると思われるが、前金を払ったが出展を見合わせた会社も数社有った。


Shipping is taking a heavy beating. As the orders decline, shipping also declines and as can be seen here from my hotel room, the barrage and boats are all free and empty. These are docked barrages and are not being used. This port used to be very very busy with trucks but not now as can be seem. Don't get me wrong, the cash rich China as a country and economy is still booming as proven by the recent Shanghai Auto Show.
