The ultimate purpose of El Cantare Mathematics is to pursue The Truth of the Souls (= the marvelous truth that the human souls are parts of the Great Buddha (God)).

Traditionally, it is related to Platonic mathematics originated by Plato who put mathematics as the gate of phylosophy (= intelectual pursuit of the Truth).


On the contrary, in modern times, as related to the development of computers, it seems popular that one tends to combine mathematics with symbols and formal logic.

In this note, we call this by AI math meaning mathematics done by AI. 


In reality, before the invention of the computer by von Neumann (1947), Turing published its principle (1937), which is known as "Turing machine" (the principle of the computer).


And, before Turing, Kurt Goedel proved "the incompleteness theorem (1931)" showing the imcompleteness (= the existence of undecidable sentences and the impossibility of the proof of consistency) of the formal mathematics that is done by Turing mahicne applied to symbols (cf. K.Goedel, POSTSCRIPTUM (1964) of "On undecidable propositions of formal mathematical systems" M. Davis (ed.) The undecidable, pp.71--73).


That is, according to Goedel's thoerem, "AI is not able to do mathematics".


The real mathematics pursues the Truth (= the mind of Buddha (God)) although in part, and helps religion.

El Cantare Mathematics, as developped Platonic mathematics contemporarily, is the real mathematics.