Week6: Lessons Learned


Since I will be on a long business trip again. I will turn in my journal earlier. These are some of the quotes which hit me.


Never compromise:

Loyalty to the Lord

Loyalty to the Family


 My interest in the bible study has been diminishing since I learned about the facts that four gospel accounts were created 50 or 100 years after Jesus passes away. But his teaching has great impacts on the people and business all over the world. To increase my loyalty to the Lord, I have decided to study new testament more. As Elder Tanner mentioned:


“No greater goal could be set, no greater progress could be made, and no greater joy and satisfaction could be experienced than to determine that we will accept Jesus Christ as the Savior of the world and live his teachings.”


 I have developed my self-mastery skills in the church and martial arts practice. Self-discipline I gained thru my mission experience has been particularly helpful.


 “I should like to say a few words about self-discipline, self-control, or self-mastery which is so important to all of us if we are to accomplish what we set out to do and enjoy the blessings which we desire so much.”


 As a father of four children next quote by da Vinci is very important:


“You will never have a greater or lesser dominion than that over yourself. The height of a man’s success is gauged by his self-mastery; the depth of his failure by his self-abandonment. … And this law is the expression of eternal justice. He who cannot establish dominion over himself will have no dominion over others.”


 I have been so busy form work this couple of weeks and having difficult time to rain myself at the gym. Weight lifting has been giving me a lot of strength and power for self-discipline. 


I shall go today!