Launching Leaders Book, Chapter 8.


Learning about the Millennials was very interesting.  I knew some of their trait thru different sources, but the book has well defined who they are. My kids are Millennials and they are all  striving to live on their own time. I would like to learn from them and help them if I can. And the truth is that 2019 is different from 1991 when my father was at my age (50 years old).  


“In your efforts to become a lifelong learner, remember the importance of context. Understand that the financial and economic realities of your generation are much different than those of previous generations.” (Chapter 8, Hitz)


I realized that our generation needs to learn new skill-sets to survive in this time.

I loved the story of fisherman and the businessman in the book. If I focus too much on “making money.” I happened to so many Japanese business maen in 70's and 80's.  Many forgot the “reason to make money” and lost their family.  I can apply this story to my own life.


I have been working for a company for over 12 years. After commuting to the company with crowded trains for 2 hours every day and less sleep, I suffered serious anxiety and depression. The company has been generous enough to let me work from home and I have been working from home ever since 2011. I lost about a half of my payment but, I spent more time with my children. I took my youngest daughter to the kindergarten every morning. I spent more time with my wife with a lot of conversation. I did dishes and a lot of cooking.  Slowly, I have recovered from my depression. I learned that I  enjoyed being home. I was able to show the value of my employment to the company. After a few years, they raised it to the salary I used to receive.


 Now, I am making just little more than I was receiving before. When the company offered me to become official employee (I was a contractor for all these years), I turned down the offer because it would be more intensively controlled working hours by the company. I could have got a lot better benefit and social security from the company, but I wanted to enjoy working and spending time with my kids. After all I ma like the fisher man the book was talking about.  


Another eason to turn down the ofeer is that our context in the year 2019. Belonging to a company can be too risky. The economy can change quickly, and I can be laid off tomorrow. We should be a smart entrepreneur and expand our business on our own.