I caused a commotion on my twitter because of my health check. I secretly don't get what was very funny about my tweets because it was supposed to be a nervous and scary thing しょぼん

I'll take that as my sense of humor succeeding in entertaining everyone on my twitter. But i was seriously shy and nervous about it(;▽;)


Tada~ debut health check☆

Urine test, blood test, sight, color-blindness, capacity of lungs, ECG test, stool test, ultrasound test for bre**t えっ

One of the biggest worry before I went was actually the stool test. I think urine test is disgusting enough, how do you expect me to fetch my sh** in a container, walk out of toilet and pass it to a stranger?! First of all, how to make sure correct thing go into the container and not of size too big? And how to make sure i can definitely pass something out?! orz

Phew~! Nothing of such happened.. Should i mention what happened? It will sound wrong, and disgusting....

Never mind, skip that.シラー

Blood test *・゜゚・*:.。..。.:*・゜(n‘∀‘)η゚・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・*

You can call me sick, I dont mind ニコニコ. But i dont mind needles anymore ever since my dengue days. Too used to it, since i had sooooo much blood drawn and for soooo many times.

Highlight of the day: I showed my br****s to 3 strangers!


Le sigh~

1 for ECG scan, 1 for ultrasound scan and 1 for doctor consultation (;▽;)(;▽;)(;▽;)

shy die me..

(this was the part where commotion caused on twitter, but i was really shy fyi)

Healthcheck done because company sponsored it. It is 1 kind of expensive, I saw price stating $1300-ish for gastric cancer screening叫び

why am i not smart enough to be a doctor? (;▽;)

"Prevention better than cure" but it is very scary....

Pray for a perfectly healthy me result that will be out in 2weeks' time

