
春奈るなが出演予定の“EOY 2012”は、主催者側の都合で急遽中止となりました。


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Dear all, I’m sorry to inform you that EOY J-pop Live! Concert will not be going ahead as scheduled.

I would like to emphasise that this will not affect the EOY Cosplay Festival, which is a separate entity from the concert, and will go ahead as planned.

All those who have bought tickets, rest assured that you will be fully refunded. We will make the relevant arrangements with SISTIC. If you run into any problems getting your refund, don’t hesitate to contact us.

We are in the midst of liasing with the artistes’ management and we will do our best to bring closure in a way that satisfies everyone. Their management has proven to be very kind and understanding people and we are confident that we can solve this amicably.

We have personally contacted all our sponsors and partners to explain the situation. If you are one of our sponsors / partners but have yet to receive a personal email or call from us, feel free to go ahead and contact us.

We would like to express our gratitude to all those who have helped to promote the concert.

To everybody who has been looking forward to the concert, we sincerely apologise for any trouble and disappointment caused.

One of our main investors had to withdraw his sponsorship last week due to inability to commit. As a result, there is insufficient budget to see the concert through. We are a non-profit organisation, and any loss made comes out of our own pockets. We have already invested a lot of our own money and hard work in publicity and marketing, all of which cannot be regained.

Organising a concert is never easy, especially for a non-profit organisation like us.

Those who have been watching our facebook page will understand the effort we have put into this concert. We have made numerous phone calls and visits to potential sponsors and partners. We stayed up late nights to discuss and brainstorm ways to improve ticket sales and publicity. We have even gone to the extent of visiting schools and personally putting up posters. Clearly, there was publicity as many media partners approached us to cover our concert. We were very happy to work with them. Sadly, at the end of the day, ticket sales was the deciding factor.

In a bid to give our guests a top-notch stage to perform and an unforgettable experience, I took the plunge to hire a premium venue like the Esplanade as the concert venue without considering the possibility that major investors may back out. This is an oversight on financial planning and risk management on my part, and I will certainly bear it in mind for future concerts.

Cancelling the concert was truly my last resort. In our four years of concert staging, I have never cancelled any event, so this has been a most devastating decision to make. Despite our immense disappointment, we are doing our best to fulfil the rest of our responsibilities.

Once again, I wish to emphasise that the cancellation of the concert does not affect the EOY Cosplay Festival, which is a separate entity from the concert, and will go ahead as planned. Despite our disappointment, my team and I will focus all our efforts on the Cosplay Festival and make it a great one for everyone, so please come and have fun!

EOY 2012 オフィシャルサイトはこちら
