What are your plans for the holiday? | HARIOイングリッシュスクールのブログ




Hello everyone,

We had a great, big Christmas party here at Hario last weekend! Everyone had a fantastic time. We kicked off with some fun games, including a treasure hunt to decipher the hidden message. The message told the kids what I wanted for Christmas. It was, of course, a new game. Next, we had a ball throwing game, where our students had to throw 40 balls across the room. It was such an exciting, fast paced game and everyone was frantically moving as fast as they could. I could tell the students all really enjoyed themselves! Our final game was a challenge to see which team could stack presents the highest. Every team did really well and built stacks higher than the students themselves! After the games we had a craft activity where students made their own Christmas decorations. They all made beautiful baubles to hang on their tree at home. They could decorate it however they liked which led to very imaginative and unique creations. Finally, you will never guess who came! Santa! He took some time out of his busy schedule to come in to Hario. The kids were so excited to see him with his big belly and even bigger sack of presents. They asked him a few questions and then it was time to get the presents. Everyone had a great time and we said goodbye to Santa until next year.

This is our final week of the year at Hario! What are your plans for the winter vacation, or "Christmas holiday" as we say in Ireland? My daughter and I will be going to Ireland on Saturday! We'll spend about 12 days back in Dublin. We'll visit our friends and relatives, celebrate Christmas and New Year's, and eat plenty of seasonal food, such as turkey, ham, brussels sprouts, gravy, cake, and chocolate. Actually, I eat chocolate all year round, but I'll eat extra this Christmas. I always get a selection box from my parents. Have a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!






先週末はハリオで盛大なクリスマスパーティーを開催しましたクリスマスツリークリスマスツリークリスマスツリー みんなとても楽しんでいました ニコニコ 宝探しや隠されたメッセージの解読など、楽しいゲームから始まりました。メッセージには、私がクリスマスに欲しいものが書かれていましたよ~。それはもちろん、新しいゲームです笑い泣き 次に、40個のボールを部屋中に投げるゲーム。これも、とてもエキサイティングでテンポの速いゲームで、みんな必死になって全力で動いていましたラブラブ 生徒たちは皆、本当に楽しんでいるのが伝わってきましたウインク 最後のゲームは、どのチームが一番高くプレゼントを積み上げられるかという挑戦です。どのチームもとても上手で、私たちよりも高く積み上げることができましたびっくり ゲームの後は、クリスマス飾りを作る工作の時間拍手拍手 クリスマスツリーに飾る素敵な飾りを作りました。好きなように飾り付けができたので、とても想像力豊かでユニークな作品ができました合格 最後に、誰が来たか分かりますか?サンタですサンタサンタサンタ 忙しいスケジュールの合間を縫って、ハリオに来てくれたのです。大きなお腹と大きなプレゼントの袋を持ったサンタさんに、子供たちは大喜び。サンタさんにいくつか質問をして、プレゼントをもらうことに。でもサンタさんとは来年までお別れですチュー




