お花見まであと少し | HARIOイングリッシュスクールのブログ




Hello everyone,

Our students are making the most of the spring vacation by taking Hario's morning grammar classes. It's a great opportunity to brush up on your English grammar in preparation for the school year ahead. The new school year begins next month. We've already heard good news about which junior high schools, high schools, and universities our students have been accepted into. I'm really proud and happy for the students who got into the places that they wanted. They can see that the hard work pays off, and that will be true all through their life. Keep it up!


Hanami is almost here. This weekend I hope to see the first blooms of the cherry blossoms in Fuji. There was a festival in Atsuhara Park last year that was cancelled due to rain. I hope the weather holds out this year, and people can enjoy picnics under the trees. It's a beautiful sight and brings the promise of warmer weather to come. My mother planted a cherry blossom tree in her garden in Ireland when my daughter was born almost three years ago. She calls it Mi-chan's tree. I heard that it has already started to blossom last week. I was surprised that it blossomed earlier than the trees in Japan! Ireland is usually quite cold in March, but this year it was unusually warm. Some days were 16 degrees in Dublin recently. I guess that's why Mi-chan's tree blossomed so early. Enjoy the cherry blossoms, wherever you are in the world!







