✨ To 2022... | 『 PERSONAL MONOLOGUE 』


Written In This Blog, The Stories That I Can't Tell...

Okay, as everyone knows...

Today is the last day of 2022 えーん

Another year will pass again, and the new year will come again. This is what we called as life, right?


Many things happened this year. Many good and bad things mixed together, and have made this year so colourful おねがい

Those bad and good things had taught us about how is life going on. How life is so full of surprises, full of blessings, full of laughters, and full of cries as well おねがい

We learned many things, and took a lot of lessons as we need to develops and improves ourselves. Making a better version of ourselves and our life as well おねがい

Besides of good and bad things that happened this year, there are also a gratitude and regrets, right? ショボーン

I have so many things that I'm grateful for. Yet, I have many things that I've regretted either. 

I'm grateful that I'm still alive, able to do anything that I want, have good family beside me, eat delicious foods, etc. I'm really really grateful even for a small things that God gave to me.


There are things that I'm regretted still up until to this moment. I'm still unable to fulfill my mom's wish to see me marry someone. That's one out of many the things that I've regretted.

Next year, I'm gonna turn to 29 years old woman...

And yet, I still have no one that I'm attached in romantic way. So, it's kind of impossible to me to marry someone since I didn't date anyone えーん


Let's cut off about this marriage topic.

We need to move on to the main point of this blog, right? 笑い泣き

To sums up about 2022...

Hm, this year passed so so for me. Nothing really special, yet not that boring. I still enjoy this year as much as I can. So for me, 2022 is neither good nor bad.


There are many things that I still need to fix. I need to change some of my habits, and my life pace as well. I need to make some good improvements for myself and to the people around.

I hope I can do better in the next year more that I did on this year. Hope good things will come again to me, my family, my friends, and my beloved one. Hope all the bad things will go away and never comeback. Hope this year will be full of luck and bless おねがい

I think this blog seems longer than I thought. So yeah, I need to stop to writing before all of these out of topics.

Once again,

I wish y'all the best and full of luck in 2023!

See you again next year ウインク